Music Theory Interval Recognition.
Make music theory into a natural language.
These 306 MP3 files quiz you on the interval relationships between notes. For instance you would be asked “What is the fifth of G.” The answer will then be given approximately one second later. These MP3s go through all common key centers along with some uncommon key centers.
- The following keys are covered:
- C
- F
- Bb
- Eb
- Ab
- Db
- Gb
- B
- E
- A
- D
- G
- Cb
- F#
- A#
- D#
- G#
You are also quizzed on flat and sharped intervals. For instance “What is the flat 2 of Bb” or “What is the Sharp 1 of Bb.” By working through all these relationships you will gain a very important skill that will be very useful in you musical development.
Hear or see the answers.
Each file has the answer in it’s title so you will not only hear the answer but also be able to look at your MP3 player to check the correct answer. We have also supplied a PDF file containing all the answers to the files. It is recommend that you work through these files with either the Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume One or the New York Guitar Method if you are a guitarist. This book will give you the background information on how intervals are built or for other instrumentalist or vocalists you should use The Music Theory Workbook for all Instruments.
Develop instant recognition of crucial Music Theory information.
This book will give you:
- The ability to quickly identify or calculate any interval in any key.
- The confidence that you know your music theory and can calculate it quickly and accurately.
- The needed skills to move into the advanced ear training exercises and be able to think as fast as you hear.
A Black Belt in Music Theory hands down.
These MP3s help you prove to yourself that you have the skills to be asked an interval and say the correct answer within a short period of time. These files will give you a black belt in music theory hands down.
Get Music Theory Interval Recognition…download today!
- Additional Information:
- MSK 233
- 306 MP3s and PDF containing answers to interval questions.
- What people are saying:
- I thought I knew my intervals till I got this download. Man!! The sharp five of G#- You got to be kidding me! I thought a some of these keys were too far out for me, but then the other day I played Bluesette in the Real Book. Yep it’s in Cb. So I’m forging ahead trying to master these wacky keys. Great product for getting all your intervals DOWN! L. Bly.
- I’m a classical pianist, and am studying the music of Alexander Scriabin. The key signatures are truly challenging. I used this download to brush up on mostly the sharp keys and its working quite well for me. T. Goodwin.
- I emailed Bruce on what he thought I should work on before going off to music college next year. Music Theory Interval Recognition MP3s was one of those recommendations. Get these MP3s. They will definitely get your music theory smoking! I passed out of 2 Levels of music theory during my freshman entrance exams. Yay! G. Tyler.
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
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