Music Theory Book for Guitar
Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume Two
Do you need to develop a better understanding of scales and want to get away from patterns?
Have you ever wondered how the true masters of guitar can – at the drop of a hat – transform their sound from one mood to another – and mesmerize their audience?
What is the source of their amazing ability to touch the hearts and souls of total strangers?
How do they gain such hypnotic power over their listeners?
What they possess – which you can also – is a deep understanding of the CHOICES they have with music … the different feelings and moods they can evoke depending upon their scale and chord combination choices. These are the colors on your musical palette, the tools to create great music.
Would you also like to understand, on a deep level, the 22 most important scales in music? And then have at your fingertips a rich variety of feelings you can use to weave your own rich tapestry of music?
We recommend that all guitarist work with the Guitar Technique and Physiology Course so that you learn with proper technique. This course gives you a comprehensive approach to playing guitar and includes a videos on all aspects of guitar technique.
This Music Theory Book for Guitar is Easy and Comprehensive
This music theory book for guitar gives you a concise and easy to comprehend method for learning the 22 most important scales found in music. You ll be provided with worksheets where you finds the notes for each scale on a guitar fret board diagram and on a music staff. Answers are given for all exercises so you can work at your own pace to master the material.
Would you like to:
- Understand 22 different scales from the ground up …
- Instantly see all the important scales across and up and down the guitar fret board …
- Know common chord progressions that work for the 22 most important scales …
- Understand which chords work with which scales…
- Have hands-on exercises that help ingrain the theory behind each scale …
If you answer is YES, then Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume Two will give you the roadmap to get there.
- With only a few minutes a day, you will master the ability to:
- Pick up what scales others are playing on the guitar by sight more rapidly …
- See all scales by sight on the guitar …
- Understand guitar music theory and be IN SYNC with your fellow musicians
- Make guitar music theory a natural process as you see it on your guitar …
- Build a solid foundation for great solos, comping and great composing …
- Understand how the notes on the guitar fret board relate to notes found on a music staff …
- Remember key signatures …
- Understand the nuts and bolts of how each scale is built …
Music Theory Book for Guitar Help is on its Way: Get access to additional materials in our member’s area which include:
- Additional PDFs and MP3s on many subjects
- Jam Tracks to help you apply scales to musical situations …
- And much more …
Get real hands-on application for the most important 22 different scales. This worksheet style book is unique and these types of exercises can only be found in this book. Stop wasting time and get music theory under your belt once and for all. With the answers being supplied in the back of the book you can master music theory without having a teacher.
- Additional Information:
- Digital IBSN: 978-1-59489-872-3
- 215 pages and many additional free files and videos in our member’s area covering Guitar Music Theory
- What people are saying:
- Like Arnold’s first book on theory and intervals, workbook 2 focuses on scale construction and its application on the guitar neck and staff. In addition, like the first book, it has answer guide for corrections. This is really some deep learning that goes on with these Music Theory Book for Guitar. After going through these books, I really feel that guitar music theory is more under my belt. I just need to apply these scales in real musical situations. I have the confidence to do that now. T. Pham
- The Music Theory Workbook Volume Two has you fill in both staff notation and guitar fret board diagrams to ingrain the knowledge of 22 scales. Not exactly a lot of fun but necessary work in my opinion to get this stuff memorized. I find it interesting that all the other music theory books I own just use a piano keyboard to explain scale relationships it seems so logical to use the guitar fret board especially considering how many guitarist there are in the world. I’m also amazed how many guitarist swear on a stack of bibles that they don’t need to learn music theory or even the names of the notes they are playing. I was personally embarrassed that I didn’t know this information which to me is akin to knowing how to spell words in the English language. Wouldn’t you be embarrassed if you couldn’t spell your own name? Took me about 3 months to get through this book and I really feel like I’m in a different place know with my playing. Two things have happened: First when other guitarist are showing me something I can pick in up extremely fast which makes me a much more productive member of my band. Second when I do learn something new I can see what scale the new lick is from very quickly. I’d strongly recommend this book as one of the only ways to get scales and music theory functioning as you play guitar. E. Arno
- This Music Theory Book for Guitar is spot on in my opinion. Total simple idea of you writing out scales on a fret board and staff to memorize the info. You can then reference the correct answers because they are in the back of the book. Say goodbye to just knowing scales as fingering patterns. That made me feel like a parrot when I played music. I also purchased Mr. Arnold’s Ear Training One Note Complete and his MetroDrone® to help me hear the scales correctly. Don’t overlook that aspect it’s really bloody awesome to understand both how scales are built, their note names, where they are on the guitar and I’m starting to be able to recognize them when I hear them. A real game changer! T. Thomas
- I found this book to be a great investment. It took me about 2 months to work through the book but now I have a completely different understanding of the music theory and how it relates to my guitar. I also took advantage of the publishers website which is stock full of information and free downloadable information. Mr. Arnold also gives email support for his books so that was an added value. He didn’t even mind if I was asking question not related to the book. A really great teacher! T. Bradford.
- The Music Theory Book for Guitar has made me a much better guitar player. My band mates have even commented that I’m playing with much more authority and conviction. I tend to agree. I have a new confidence because I’m not just letting my fingers do the walking I actually know what I’m playing when I stop and think about it. I’ve noticed many people on-line making comments that learning music theory hurts your playing. I’ve found it to be just the opposite. Give your playing a new lease on life and come out of the dark ages… You will be amazed what this simple book will do for you. I know it changed me forever. A. Apelton.
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
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