Direct Application Ear Training
The FUN way to do ear training.
Direct Application Ear Training are recommended for students with above 50% skills with one note ear training. There are many different products you can buy that vary in difficulty. The list below gives a recommend order for the “Direct Application” listening courses. You can work on more than one of these courses at the same time. Think of these courses as listening to music and doing ear training at the same time. You probably want to have many tracks to listen to so that you don’t get bored with the same track over and over. Some of these courses also have a singing component in the course but in general you should listen to the tracks in these various courses to help pinpoint where you are having issues with your comprehension. For instance you many have a problem with minor keys or a certain mode. Once you have pinpointed these problems contact Bruce so that he can give you recommendation on how to fix your issues quickly.
Also Our New Line Of Applied Ear Training Products:
Recently we have expanded our offerings for Direct Application with the Practice Perfect Applied Ear Training Series. This series goes further in-depth using various styles and types of progressions so that you can apply your ear training skills directly to real music. Both series are recommended for all students getting over 50% correct notes with Ear Training One Note
Practice Perfect Series:
- Practice Perfect Applied Ear Training Series
- Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Ear Training Series
- Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Standard Ear Training Series
- Slash Chord Series
- Practice Perfect Applied Classical Ear Training Series
The Direct Application Ear Training Series:
Here is a breakdown and recommended order for the Direct Application Ear Training Listening Courses: Click on title to go directly to book.
- Pure Country Ear Training
- Direct Application CD Volume One Major:
- Direct Application CD Volume Two Dorian:
- Direct Application Ear Training Volume One:
- Secondary Dominants: Direct Ear Training Application
- Direct Application Ear Training Harmonic Major Modes
While it’s not required to have worked with all the books listed below, it is recommended that you have a firm understanding of “one note” ear training as found in these books:
Having around 50% right notes with the “one note” exercise found in these books would help you be more productive with the Direct Application Ear Training.
Pure Country Ear Training Direct Application
Pure Country Ear Training is often recommended as the first “Direct Application” ear training courses. You should work on this course when you are getting around 50% correct notes with the Ear Training One Note Complete course. Pure Country Ear Training gives you Country Music Grooves that serve multiple purposes. The first is to create a simple enough real music situation wherein a beginning ear training student can learn “One Note” Ear Training. The second is to create a real music situation that sounds pleasing and within the chosen style. The third is to create music tracks that are in common key centers like Major, Dorian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian with Phrygian and Locrian added, for a complete picture of the modes of a Major Scale. Fourth is to create an ear training exercise wherein a student can also play along, thus additionally developing improvisational skills. Please check out the example MP3s to see if you agree that this course meets those requirements.
Key Center Development
By far the biggest problem I run into with students is their inability to hear in key centers that are anything other than simple triadic based situations. Obviously most music does not fit into this narrow window so an ear training student needs to work on ear training within more varied musical settings. But these settings need to be simple enough to be encouraging.
A Delicate Balance
By listening to the MP3 examples below I think you will agree that a nice balance has been achieved by making backing tracks that are simple yet musically rewarding to listen to. By then placing a “One Note” ear training environment over these tracks you give a student a situation where they can develop their ear training skills in a simple yet musical setting.
Why Most Ear Training Exercises Don’t Work
I realized a long time ago that just doing ear training exercises that involve a stark non musical exercise will not necessarily lead to being able to apply it in a real-time music situation. If you are currently working on one of’s courses that can be described as a “non-musical exercise” or using other exercises on or off the internet, you need to realize that non-musical exercises, while helpful, are not the final answer to your ear training journey. YOU NEED DIRECT APPLICATION of your learning to real music.
Examples of MP3s Found in the Pure Country Ear Training Course.
A small PDF is also included to explain this type of Contextual Based Ear Training if you are unfamiliar with this type of ear training.
Below are 7 excerpts from the 84 tracks found in this Direct Application Ear Training course.
- A Major
- E Dorian
- Bb Phrygian
- D Lydian
- F Mixolydian
- Ab Aeolian
- C Locrian
- Additional Information:
- Digital Edition 978-1-59489-446-6
- 84 MP3s Playing grooves for 7 modes of Major in 12 keys. 12 Page PDF
Improve your ear training and playing skills at the same time with the Pure Country Ear Training Direct Application Course
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Direct Application Ear Training CD Volume One Major:
This 10 track CD download in MP3 format is part of a series of additional audio files that give a student more experience applying their contextual ear training skills to real music situations. These tracks are full band excerpts using music styles as diverse a classical symphony orchestra pieces to down home Bluegrass tracks. All music is in various Major key centers. While you listen to the track you will hear one note played followed by the name of that note. This will help you to apply one note contextual ear training to a real music situation.
Play along or just listen either way these tracks make ear training fun.
This Direct Application series is also an enjoyable way to do ear training. You can play along with your instrument or just listen passively; whichever works best for you. You can jam along with the tracks as you are tested on various notes or use it as a way to study scales, arpeggios and many other musical elements while you are also being tested with ear training exercises. For the student with limited practice time this is ideal for getting the most out of your schedule. There are 10 tracks each exploring different styles of music in various Major key centers.
Practicing Ear Training in different contexts will prepare you for any musical situation
An informed ear is the the essence of making music. This is one of the reasons why we have developed so many different kinds of ear training products. These various exercises, set up for different contexts, will prepare you for any musical situation. The Direct Application Ear Training series gives you yet another step and in a way, the final step to apply your skills directly to real music.
Direct Application is recommended for any student who understands the difference between “contextual ear training” and “interval ear training.” While having some experience with our One Note Series, Fanatic’s Guide or Contextual Ear Training books is recommended, it is not essential to reaping the benefits of the exercises. But keep in mind that context is the secret behind all great ear training skills. The more you vary the type of exercise you do, the more you will be able to apply this ear training to the multitude of situations that will come your way in your musical life.
Get Direct Application Ear Training CD Volume One Major download today!
- Additional Information:
- MSK 203
- 10 MP3s in a Major Key Center
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Direct Application CD Volume Two Dorian:
This 10 track CD download in MP3 format is part of a series of additional audio files that give a student more experience applying their contextual ear training skills to real music situations. These tracks are full band excerpts using music styles as diverse a classical symphony orchestra pieces to down home Bluegrass tracks. All music is in various Dorian key centers. While you listen to the track you will hear one note played followed by the name of that note. This will help you to apply one note contextual ear training to a real music situation.
This Ear Training is FUN. You can play along with your instrument or just listen passively.
This Direct Application series is also an enjoyable way to do ear training. You can play along with your instrument or just listen passively; whichever works best for you. You can jam along with the tracks as you are tested on various notes or use it as a way to study scales, arpeggios and many other musical elements while you are also being tested with ear training exercises. For the student with limited practice time this is ideal for getting the most out of your schedule. There are 10 tracks each exploring different styles of music in various Dorian key centers.
Listening to Ear Training in many contexts will prepare you for any musical situation
An informed ear is the the essence of making music. This is one of the reasons why we have developed so many different kinds of ear training products. These various exercises, set up for different contexts, will prepare you for any musical situation. The Direct Application Ear Training series gives you yet another step and in a way, the final step to apply your skills directly to real music.
Direct Application Ear Training is recommended for any student who understands the difference between “contextual ear training” and “interval ear training.” While having some experience with our One Note Series, Fanatic’s Guide or Contextual Ear Training books is recommended, it is not essential to reaping the benefits of the exercises. But keep in mind that context is the secret behind all great ear training skills. The more you vary the type of exercise you do, the more you will be able to apply this ear training to the multitude of situations that will come your way in your musical life.
What’s included:
- Additional Information:
- MSK 205
- 10 MP3s in a Dorian Key Center using various styles such as Rock, Funk and Reggae.
Get Direct Application Ear Training CD Volume Two Dorian download today!
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Direct Application Ear Training Volume One:
Real Music Ear Training Exercises
The Direct Application Ear Training series is a major expansion of our ear training method. It bridges the gap between ear training in a controlled exercise environment to its application in the real world. This is the first course of its kind for students who often experience the frustration of not being able to apply what they have learned from an aural comprehension exercise to a playing, real time situation. Each volume in this series covers a particular kind of key center and for the first time shows not only how they can be built, but also explains why certain key centers can be difficult for students to hear.
Have fun listening a playing along with Direct Application Ear Training Exercises.
This Direct Application series is also an enjoyable way to do ear training. You can play along with your instrument or just listen passively; whichever works best for you. You can jam along with the tracks as you are tested on various notes or use it as a way to study scales, arpeggios and many other musical elements while you are also being tested with ear training exercises. For the student with limited practice time this is ideal for getting the most out of your schedule. There are six tracks in all 12 keys with each volume, so you get 72 tracks to get you developing your skills. These tracks are graduated in difficulty so that you can build your prowess over time, at your own pace, and in a sensible manner.
Do Ear Training in different contexts will prepare you for any musical situation.
An informed ear is the essence of making music. This is one of the reasons why we have developed so many different kinds of ear training products. These various exercises, set up for different contexts, will prepare you for any musical situation. The Direct Application Ear Training series gives you yet another step and in a way, the final step to apply your skills directly to real music.
Context is the KEY to success with Ear Training
Direct Application is recommended for any student who understands the difference between “contextual ear training” and “interval ear training.” Keep in mind that context is the secret behind all great ear training skills. The more you vary the type of exercise you do, the more you will be able to apply this ear training to the multitude of situations that will come your way in your musical life.
Get Direct Application Ear Training download today!
- Additional Information:
- Digital IBSN: 978-1-59489-743-6
- 16 pages: Digital Book contains 72 MP3s.
Status: In stock, Physical book ships in 24 hours. Digital book is available for immediate access.
Secondary Dominants: Direct Ear Training Application
The Direct Application Ear Training course is the first step in understanding how contextual ear training and chord/scale relationships intersect. This course is really a primer course for the Scale Analysis book which applies contextual ear training to 36 chord progressions showing you how to hear the entire progression in one key center. “Secondary Dominants” course on the other hand just deals with the Melodic Minor Ascending Modes and how these modes relate to secondary dominants when hearing the entire chord progressions in one key center. These exercises help a student learn how they hear secondary dominants and in turn develop an ability to improvise over these chords and recognize their existence via their aural skills. If you have ever wondered how to truly get the most out of the Melodic Minor Ascending Modes then this book will be a total transformation for you.
Applying Ear Training to common chord progressions in crucial
Ear Training is learned in one context at a time. If you spend your time just doing one certain exercise you will find while you gain ability with that specific exercise, you may not be able apply it to “real” music situations. This is why applying ear training to common chord progressions is one of the most important things to do once you have a working knowledge of how all 12 notes sound within a key center. This book contains simple singing and improvisational workouts over chordal jam tracks to put yourself inside these “real” musical situations. They are a fun way to strengthen and test what you are learning.
Knowing and hearing Secondary Dominant Harmony is key to understanding modern music.
Secondary dominant harmony is one of the most commonly found chordal movements in music; “I Got Rhythm” wouldn’t exist without it! Being able to hear these chords and how they interact is crucial to playing and writing music. Secondary Dominant harmony chord scales are most commonly associated with the modes of Melodic Minor Ascending. That’s why this book concentrates on these 7 modes of Melodic Minor Ascending.
Develop the ability to use “your” ear to make musical decisions.
Developing your ability to instantly recognize what you are hearing in any given chord change is an important skill for any improvising musician or budding composer. This book presents you with chord progressions specifically chosen from my 30 years of teaching ear training because they are likely be heard in one way. This of course won’t be universal with all students, but in my experience I have found that the progressions I have provided tend to lead a student’s ear in a certain direction. Above all, first use “your” ear to help you decide which scale to use and then tackle these chords progressions accordingly.
- What’s Included
- 91 page book and 1 CD or 84 MP3s with digital versions. Tracks use various styles such as Rock, Funk and Reggae.
- The MP3s allow you to work on this exercise in all 12 keys.
- Seven MP3 solos examples are also included.
Get Direct Application Ear Training download today!
- Additional Information:
- Digital IBSN: 978-1-59489-734-4
- 91 pages: Digital Book contains 84 MP3s.
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Direct Application Ear Training Harmonic Major Modes
Direct Application Ear Training Harmonic Major Modes include all 7 modes in all 12 keys. This gives you a good amount of MP3s so that you won’t memorize the order of the ear training exercises. It also gives you a chance to work on these modes in all keys which is great for a comprehensive understanding of each mode.
Why Work on Harmonic Major Mode Ear Training?
Harmonic Major Modes are used way more than most people realize. As static vamps they are often employed. Especially the Harmonic Major and Mixolydian b2 modes. Harmonic Major Modes are also used extensively as Secondary Dominants. Take a tune like “Someday My Prince Will Come.” It has two modes of the Harmonic Major scale used within the 1st four chords. These course is of particular importance because many students have problem hearing more complication key center so studying the Harmonic Major mode gives them a chance to hone their ability with more elusive key centers.
Harmonic Major Direct Application a Comprehensive Course
This Ear Training Harmonic Major Modes course goes through all 12 keys for scale. This makes it an excellent study especially if you are an improviser. You play along with the track as you learn to improvise on these modes. All tracks use a funk feel so they are really fun to play over. Help your 16th note playing, your ear training skills and you instrumental technique all at the same time with this course.
Why Learn the Harmonic Major Modes. Does Anybody use Them?
The answer is yes these modes are used a lot. As just static vamps you will often hear vamps either using the modes of Harmonic Major or the Harmonic Major Modes could be used as a superimposition. In many cases the Harmonic Major modes are used over common Secondary Dominant chords. Depending on how you hear those chords you would either think of the scale from the root of the chord or from the root of the key center.
What makes Direct Application Harmonic Major Modes Course Special?
Students usually need a lot of work with 16th note grooves and this collection is jam packed with these type of grooves. This is a fun way to do ear training and much like what you would experience in a real live situation. Take a listen to some of the tracks below to get an idea of the kind of feels that are employed.
Here are some short examples of the 7 modes. Remember each of these Direct Application Tracks can be found in all 12 keys in this course.
- Gb Harmonic Major
- F Dorian b5
- Ab Phrygian b4
- G Lydian b3
- Bb Mixolydian b2
- B Lydian #2 #5
- Eb Locrian bb7
- Additional Information:
- Digital Edition 978-1-59489-442-8
- 82 MP3s total. Jam Tracks for 7 modes of Harmonic Major in 12 keys.
Improve your ear training and playing skills at the same time with the Harmonic Major Direct Application Course
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
- What people are saying about the Direct Application Courses:
- I own all the Direct Application CDs and Books. These books are actually what has keep me going with the Ear Training. The Ear Training One Note Exercises with the piano and the Contextual Ear Training while good medicine aren’t anywhere as fun as the Direct Application exercises. The Major and Dorian CD I listen to all day. It really doesn’t feel like Ear Training it’s just a bunch of cool grooves that test you every 20 seconds or so on a note. Highly recommend these as additions to the basic program. T. Merriweather
- Secondary Dominants book is awesome. I learned more about Jazz harmony in this book than anywhere else. Finally someone spelled it out how to think and hear this type of harmony. It’s no wonder I’ve been having a hard time solo over these type of changes. I just wasn’t hearing them correctly. Very Highly Recommended! R. Klingensmith
- These Direct Application CDs are playing all day at my house. My wife even likes them. The Ear Training One Note CDs drove her mad :) If your getting around 50% correct answers on the Ear Training One Note stuff dive into these books and CDs they are a LOT more fun and get your hearing the ear training with real music. S. Schroder
- Since the release of these Direct Application books I’ve had a ton of realizations about music. Direct Application really showed me how key centers are formed. Secondary Dominants taught me how to hear jazz standards and the Major and Dorian CDs have helped my modal playing. I mostly just improvise over all the audio tracks with a heighten awareness of how I’m hearing the notes I’m playing. Get these books they are great! S. Hambrick
- I wish Muse Eek would come out with a couple hundred of these type of Direct Application course. Not only is this more fun just to listen to. My wife even like them so that is always a plus. Thanks! I. Rogers
- I dig these tracks. Especially the Dorian b5 reminds of Talking Heads “Remain in Light” CD. These are challenging though. It took me a couple of weeks before I could really hear the key center on some of the tracks.F. Nielsen
- So much fun to work with these MP3s. I love to listen to them as I commute to work in the morning. I can groove all the way to work and get some ear training in too. G. Levenson
- This course and the related Jam Tracks Volume Four have made me realize the important the modes of Harmonic Major. Thanks for putting together such a comprehensive package T. Andersen.
- Being a country music lover this is a great collection of tracks to help me improve in my ear training. I just listen in the car as I commute. Some nice music and love the slide guitar work G. Eberts
- Hey Mr. Arnold thanks for putting together these tracks. I’m having a lot of fun with the Mixolydian track and it’s odd that I actually like the Locrian track. I though it would be weird but it wasn’t. D. Li
- I’m finding I do more ear training with these tracks because they are attached to music I like. I know the other more “traditional” exercises help too, but I find myself drawn to these because I like to hear them. Thanks R. Vaughn
- Simple no fancy stuff. That’s the way I like my ear training and my music in general. Thanks Bruce for digging out the country roots inside of you! E. Svolet.
- I wish Muse Eek would come out with a couple hundred of these type of Direct Application course. Not only is this more fun just to listen to. My wife even like them so that is always a plus. Thanks! I. Rogers
- I dig these tracks. Especially the Dorian b5 reminds of Talking Heads “Remain in Light” CD. These are challenging though. It took me a couple of weeks before I could really hear the key center on some of the tracks.F. Nielsen
- So much fun to work with these MP3s. I love to listen to them as I commute to work in the morning. I can groove all the way to work and get some ear training in too. G. Levenson
- This course and the related Jam Tracks Volume Four have made me realize the important the modes of Harmonic Major. Thanks for putting together such a comprehensive package T. Andersen.