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Jazz Standard Ear Training Series

Jazz Standard Ear Training Series

Jazz Standard Ear Training Series contains three courses where you use jazz standards to improve your ear training skills. Each volume concentrates on more and more difficult jazz standards and gives you two different types of exercises:

  • Sing pitches when prompted in a key center
  • Identify pitches that are played against the key center of a Jazz standard

These courses are not meant for a beginner starting our ear training method. That said, the Jazz Standard Ear Training Series can be used fairly quickly after a student is getting approximately 50% correct answers on either of our beginning methods:

Some students might be able to start the Jazz Standard Ear Training Series immediately it just depends on your ear and your understanding of hearing all 12 pitches in a key center. Listen to the examples on each webpage. If you understand the concept and can ascertain the correct pitch within a few listens. Then start immediately with this ear training course.

The Jazz Standard Ear Training Series is a unique set of courses. We know of no other system of ear training education that works with real music to advance your abilities. You will gain so much by working through all the various Jazz, Slash Chord, Classical and Various Style courses to improve your ear. Remember that “context” is king and you need to apply your ear training skills to real music to make sure it actually works. These courses will do this for you and will make a world of difference in your ability to actually hear music.

Jazz Standard Ear Training Series Includes Three Courses

The Jazz Standard Ear Training Series has three volumes and each volume contains ten different standards. To learn more about each course click on the links below:

The idea of hearing an entire song in one key center may be foreign to some customers. If you would like to explore this concept further we highly recommend you work through the course Scale Analysis which takes you through different reharmonizations of a major blues, minor blues and rhythm changes in 12 keys showing you how to hear each progression in one key center.

Click On The Courses Below To Find Out More Information

Jazz Standard Ear Training Series Bundle All Three Volumes for $64.99


Learn more about each volume or purchase them separately below: