Music Theory Workbook Guitar Video Course’s Length

Music Theory Workbook Guitar Video Course’s Length

Music Theory Workbook Guitar Video Course’s Length

Muse-Eek-Publishing_Company_Frequently-Asked_Questions about Ear Training, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Rhythm, Time, Sight Reading, Technique, Scales, Harmony, Reharmonization, Practicing, Music, Music Practice Schedule, Ear Training 2 Note Melodic Piano Muse Eek Publishing Company, Music Theory Workbook Guitar Video Course's Length

Music Theory Workbook Guitar Video Course’s Length

Q: Hi. I am almost ready to buy!!! Can you please tell me how long it will take to watch your Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Video Course one time thru, and how many times an average person may need to view it/study/practice before he would be ready for Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume Two? I know everyone learns at a different pace, but would appreciate your insight or thoughts. Thanks!

A: Nice to hear from you. The Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Video Course has a lot of videos. I would guess around 6 hours of videos if we figure 2 to 3 minutes as an average. There are two ideas behind the videos:

  • 1. Help you understand various aspects of music theory better by reading it in a PDF but also hear me talking about it in a video
  • 2. Help you understand how each group of exercises will help you and where you will use this kind of knowledge when you are playing music.

Then you have me here to help via email if you run into problems where you just can’t figure something out. There are also a bunch of additional PDFs that come with the digital download of the Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Video Course those will also help you understand alternate ways of calculating the correct answers to music theory questions. Keep in mind if you get the digital download you will have to print out the exercise pages but I still think that is a more cost effective way of studying the book especially if you have a printer that prints both sides of the page.

There are 100 pages of exercises I find that most students take a week to work through each page for about 3 or 4 weeks then they can usually finish the whole book within a month if they do a page or two a day. In other words once you understand the music theory it gets way faster and you are able to move through the information at a much faster pace.

There is a 20% sale on right now at till the end of the year so if you had some other books in mind you should get those now and you will save yourself a lot of money. If you need any help deciding let me know.

When you check out use the promo code


and you will get your 20% discount.

Let me know if you have further questions in regards to Music Theory Workbook Guitar or anything else.

Best Regards,


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