Modulating, Hearing the Context of a Note in Modulation

Modulating, Hearing the Context of a Note in Modulation

Modulating, Hearing the Context of a Note in Modulation

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Modulating, Hearing the Context of a Note in Modulation

Q: I’ve used the Ear Training One Note Complete and the Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing off and on over the last couple of years. I’ve gotten pretty good at hearing notes in real music, so I decided to get Key Note Recognition as the next step. I was shocked when I couldn’t hear any difference between any of the notes, they all sounded like C. I read in your FAQ that it will take a while to learn how the same note is modulating depending on the key center, but do you have any tips to help? Do I just guess like I did on One Note until I start hearing a difference?

A: Nice to hear from you. First you should be getting around 80% correct with the Ear Training One Note Complete before attempting Key Note Recognition. As you have read it can sometimes be a shock to start Key Note Recognition and find that you do so poorly. This is because you are using the ear training in a different context which can really cause a problem at the beginning. I would go back to just guessing quickly because you don’t want to over think the answer. If you take too long to answer you won’t be able to use your new skills with music when it’s going by in time. I would also recommend you get started with some of the Direct Application Ear Training. I’ve found that sometimes students think that just getting past Ear Training One Note Complete and Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing totally prepares them for understanding how to process music. While students obviously can start to hear what is being played when a song is in one key or very diatonic to a mode a problem can start when you start getting into modulating. Once you work with songs that contain modulations there are many things you need to know to do this correctly which are not contained in the previously mentioned books. For modulating in particular I would recommend the Secondary Dominant book from the Direct Application Ear Training. I would also recommend getting the Direct Application CD Volume One Major and Direct Application CD Volume Two Dorian. You can use those in place of the Ear Training One Note Complete CD now if again you are getting 80% on the advanced CD.

Stay in touch and let me know how it going in a few weeks.

Best Regards,


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