Ear Training Exercise Always Guess Quickly

Ear Training Exercise Always Guess Quickly

Ear Training Exercise Always Guess Quickly

Muse-Eek-Publishing_Company_Frequently-Asked_Questions about Ear Training, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Rhythm, Time, Sight Reading, Technique, Scales, Harmony, Reharmonization, Practicing, Music, Music Practice Schedule, Optimize Ear Training Practice Time, Moveable Do Fixed Do Solfeggio, Ear Training Exercise Always Guess Quickly

Ear Training Exercise Always Guess Quickly/em>

Q: I’m working with your ear training one note method. It’s a very fun book to work with ’cause I had the cd always in the car and practice every day for about 20 minutes. I nearly get right about 80% of the notes but I’m not sure if I am doing this right or not. Sometimes I hear the note from the key chord but other times I know that I recognice the note by memory(a particular note relates to a particular tune for example). How do I know when I’m doing it the right way? (I started the book a week ago)

A: I’m glad you have been working on the one note books. As far as the ear training goes, what you are aiming for is the ability to just hear a note and instantly recognize its sound. It’s like when you see a person with a blue shirt on. You just instantly know it’s blue you don’t have to compare it to the sky to make sure. It is the same with the ear training. So one trick with the Ear Training Exercise Always Guess Quickly so you don’t have time to think about anything else.

You also mention that you recognize the note based on another common melody you know. I don’t recommend that because if you have to take the time to relate the note you are hearing to a tune it just takes too much time. Remember you are trying to get to the point where you can do this ear training in real time as music is being played. In real time situations you won’t have time to think of anything but what the note is. So again with the Ear Training Exercise Always Guess Quickly. Don’t worry if you get less correct answers that will improve with time.

It is also recommended that you read Bruce Arnold’s Blog at his artist site. It contains more discussion of the musical topics found in these FAQs as well as other subjects of interest. You will also find the “Music Education Genealogy Chart” located here which shows you the historic significance of the music education products found on the Muse Eek Publishing Company Website.


Ear Training Exercise Always Guess Quickly

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