Completion Time for Each Muse-eek Book/CD
Completion Time for Each Muse-eek Book/CD
Completion Time for Each Muse-eek Book/CD
Q: Lets say each of the books/CDs of yours that I purchased are classes I am taking at a University. In which order would my classes be and for how long? I presently have all the time in the world for music, but unless I have a daily road map I sometimes get loose discipline. With the Ear Training One Note Complete and Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing I currently do each of them for 10 minutes one after the other for 8-10 times a day because I can only take them in small doses. So just insert 20 wherever in my routine that you think would be good to work on them.
- 1. Ear Training One Note Complete
- 2. Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing
- 3. Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume One
- 4. Chord Workbook for Guitar Volume One and Chord Workbook for Guitar Volume Two
- 5. Rhythm Primer
- 6. Single String Studies for Guitar Volume One Book
- 7. Essentials 22 scales and a lot of different style sheet music
A: You want to build up to 6 to 10 hours of completion time a day. I would suggest doing this over a years worth of time in order to change your current life style and develop the mental and physical conditioning needed to work this hard. The schedule is below:
- 1. Ear Training One Note Complete and Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing: Do short 10 minute practice periods 10 minutes for each book, alternating throughout the day.
- 2. Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume One: Work up to doing 5 pages a day. I’d break this up into a few different sessions each day
- 3. Chord Workbook for Guitar Volume One: Learn one new chord progression a day with associated chords. Play both the exercises with notes only and with chord symbols. Also, work your way through the book learning all chords cycle 5. I’d work through 5 to 6 new chords per week.
- 4. Chord Workbook for Guitar Volume Two: Learn one new chord type per week. Be able to play all the chords up and down the neck for each chord type. After completing this you will then work on the chord progressions.
- 5. Rhythm Primer: Follow directions in book. Play a new page each day. Try to work the tempo up as fast as you can using directions in book.
- 6. Single String Studies for Guitar Volume One Book: One page per week moving to a new string, same key, each week. Do not look at the guitar neck as you play, try to feel where the notes are. Use midifiles to check your accuracy.
- 7. You should really have: Rhythms Volume One , Rhythms Volume Two and Lines Volume One: Sight Reading and Sight Singing Exercises along with a lot of different style sheet music to complete your sight reading studies. I want you to read one hour a day from the books and various sheet music. Download Beat Reading from the member’s area, rhythm studies, and apply to various pieces of sheet music each day. Spend about 15 minutes doing this.
- 8. Learn the 22 Scales off of Essentials in all keys. I want you to learn all 19 scales in one key each week. Hopefully you have checked out Guitar Technique ebook so you don’t go through all of this with bad technique and then have to start over later.
- 9. You need to apply the scales to real music. Make loops or vamps each day and apply the scales. Also download the Applying Music Theory from the www.Muse-Eek member’s area for other scale ideas to try when you improvise. You should spend at least 2 hours a day applying the scales.
Remember to build into this so you don’t hurt yourself. Completion Time for complete mastery does not happen overnight.
Again please check out the ebook guitar technique so you don’t do all this work in vain.
It is also recommended that you read Bruce Arnold’s Blog at his artist site. It contains more discussion of the musical topics found in these FAQs as well as other subjects of interest. You will also find the “Music Education Genealogy Chart” located here which shows you the historic significance of the music education products found on the Muse Eek Publishing Company Website.