Applying Ear Training Major and Minor Keys
Applying Ear Training Major and Minor Keys
Applying Ear Training Major and Minor Keys
Q: First of all, terrific product, Ear Training One Note Complete! I bought all three CDs and have worked my way through the Advanced Level. I can identify the pitches with over 95% accuracy. (I will occasionally mix up D# and F#.)
I also bought and have been working through the Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing. I have a question, though. I can readily apply the ear training to major keys. However, it’s something of a struggle to apply the ear training to minor keys. I’ve been using movable do in the natural minor (Aeolian) mode: do re me fa so le te do, but I don’t hear and sing the 3rd, 6th & 7th degrees of the scale with the same comfort that I experience in major (Ionian) mode. Do you have any suggestions?
A: If you are at 95% on the advanced CD then you should move to Key Note Recognition which will use both major and minor keys. Let me know your progress with the Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing and I might suggest some other modes to work with in that book too.
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