“Unity” by Sonic Twist®
“Unity” by Sonic Twist®
Muse Eek Recordings Proudly Presents Sonic Twist® Unity CD MSK 405:
Adventurous Ambient Electronic Excursions by Judi Silvano and Bruce Arnold.
Sonic Twist® is:
Judi Silvano–Voice with Live Processing
Bruce Arnold–Guitar and SuperCollider
Quotes and Reviews of Sonic Twist® Unity CD
- “…This is the type of avant garde expression that values subtlety and understatement rather than going out of its way to clobber the listener.”
- “…you won’t find any more adventurous ambient electronic music than this. A true sense of freedom is conveyed as you listen… and your heart will come away from these songs jam-packed with the joy of living! MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating with an “EQ” (energy quotient) score of 4.99.
Dick Metcalf – Editor, Contemporary Fusion Reviews
- “…two artists creating sonic dance with sounds…which grabs your attention and never lets go.” The album finishes with the ska-jazz sounds of “Frisky” and psychedelic flow of “Compression Expansion.” To find out more about Sonic Twist® and their latest release “Unity,” please visit facebook.com/sonictwist.
JPS Music Blog
From elation to wonder, from bursting out of refracted jagged edges to engaging in light-hearted wonderment at the “mysteries of life”, to reflective moods of acceptance and contemplation, Unity is (a) breathtakingly expansive, and wholly enjoyable 17-track album.
Anne Carlini – Exclusive Magazine – CD Reviews
- “The music on Unity is surprising, delicate, luminous, playful and otherworldly…and my spirit felt transformed listening to this music!”
Marilyn Crispell, pianist, composer, improviser
- Judi Silvano and Bruce Arnold are traveling together in space as one voice!
Kenny Werner, pianist, composer
- “Judi Silvano & Bruce Arnold have found a home for their musical conversations in a duo setting that feels both natural and adventurous.”
Gerry Hemingway, drums, percussion, composer, educator
- James “Judi and Bruce have combined their creative energies to bring us a wonderful, fresh, new, and compelling album that rewards the listener with new subtleties on subsequent audits. It’s a peaceful, thoughtful, bright, kaleidoscopic, warm, and elevated state-of-the-art duo project that I hope will have an extended run.”
James Emery – guitarist, composer, mystical vibration Work healer
- “When I listen to Judi Silvano & Bruce Arnold on their new recording ”Unity”, I see vast arrays of colors that fly by my eyes. Colors of musical expression, love and dedication. To me, that’s what their sound is all about. A fresh experience. Thank you.”
George Garzone – saxophone, improviser, educator
- “These freely improvised duets for voice and guitar create an uplifting kind of energy.”
Lewis Porter – pianist, educator, author
- “UNITY is a beautiful, fearless, entirely improvised conversation between two unique performers that draws the audience in with every listening.”
Kris Davis, pianist and composer
- “After an initial listen, Unity has already become my favorite album … The louder I push up the volume, the more I’m enjoying this musical therapy session.”
Laurence Donohue-Greene – Managing Editor (The New York City Jazz Record)
- ….. love the Sonic Twist® “Unity album.” I smiled all the way through – really great short-form pieces that each create a mood and then go on to the next.”
Dave Mash, musician, educator, futurist
- “Some of my favorite music contains the element of discovery, with the listener being able to travel along with the musicians while they explore new territory (instead of retreading old paths). Sonic Twist®, an empathetic and interactive duo project by vocalist Judi Silvano and guitarist Bruce Arnold, has those qualities”
Kenny Wessel, guitarist, composer, educator
- “unique, adventurous and unclassifiable.”
Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery DMG
- “…Silvano and Arnold carve time-space with a full palette of sound-waves and you’ll hear-see a joyous celebration of life.”
Katie Bull, Vocalist, Composer, Writer, Founder/Whole Body Voice
- “The tonal empathy between Arnold and Silvano can be mesmerizing, so seamlessly do the two voices blend to create sinuously compelling soundscapes.”
Stephen Gauci, saxophonist, improviser
- “…opening up new portals for sonic exploration.”
Andrea Wolper, vocalist, composer, educator
- “…filled with the spark of discovery and sensory delight.”
Ayelet Gottlieb, vocalist, composer, educator
The Tracks
- A Ha
- Capricious
- I Saw That
- Bruce’s Boogie
- Dryads
- Lacewing
- Hovercraft
- Flutterby
- HA
- Home Free
- That’s What That Is
- Chrysalis
- Shaman’s Plane
- Confabulation
- Frisky
- Shimmer Down
- Compression Expansion
Excerpts from “Unity”:
- A Ha
- Capricious
- I Saw That
- Bruce’s Boogie
- Dryads
- Lacewing
- Hovercraft
- Flutterby
- HA
- Home Free
- That’s What That Is
- Chrysalis
- Shaman’s Plane
- Confabulation
- Frisky
- Shimmer Down
- Compression Expansion
Get “Unity”…today!
Status: In stock, physical CD ships in 24 hours. Digital downloaded MP3s are available for immediate access.
The Equipment Used by Sonic Twist® on this Recording
This CD used extensive live audio processing of the voice and guitar. Below is a list of the equipment used:
Bruce Arnold’s Equipment:
- Music Man Silhouette Guitar
- Mac Laptop running SuperCollider
- Voodoo Lab Ground Control Midifootcontroller
- Two Proel Expression Pedals
- Vertex Volume Pedal
- BB Preamp
- Distillery by Tone Concepts
- Lehle “Dual”
- 1957 Fender Deluxe Amplifier
- SonoSax SX-M1 and SX-M2 preamps
- Great River MP-2MV Preamp
Judi Silvano’s Equipment:
- Mac Laptop running Fishman Triple Play Interface
- Eventide Anthology X Plugins
- Universal Audio Apollo Twin DUO Audio Interface
- Gordius MidifootController
- 2 Mission Engineering Expression Pedals
- Great River MP-2MV Preamp
- SoundDeluxe E47 Microphone
To find out more about Judi Silvano or Bruce Arnold please visit their websites.
Please also visit Sonic Twist’s Website
Do You Want to Learn More about Sonic Twist®?
Sonic Twist® also has videos inspired by many of their “composing in the moment” pieces