Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon covers 3 note chords. Typically chord books cover chords build in 3rds. For the first time available anywhere the Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon books explore the other 11 ways that chords can be built revealing a whole new world of sound! Each of the 12 volumes gives you a in-depth explanation of each 3 note chord in addition to études to help you hear how these structures sound over various harmonic situations which can also be used to help you memorize and apply each 3 note group.
Bruce Arnold states that the “Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon” also gives you a crucial information on how you can understand and apply each 3 note chord. It is interesting to note that as you build chords with smaller structures there are more places that these chords can be used as substitutions. This makes these chords especially useful because they can be used in so many more situations that larger chord voicings. A chart is included in each book showing you all the practical ways that each 3 note structure can be used as well as examples in the études.
Please Note: If you are a guitarist we highly recommend that you also work with the Guitar Technique and Physiology Course so that you develop the proper technique when working on any of the concepts found in the”Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon.
A money saving Bundle or 12 separate volumes can be purchased.
Here is a breakdown: Click on a title to go directly to the book.
Each book includes a 131 Page PDF, MP3s and Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise. Click on individual instrument if you prefer a single download.
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Bundle
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Individual Courses
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume One “012”
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Two “013”
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Three “014”
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Four “015”
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Five “016”
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Six “024”
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Seven “025”
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Eight “026”
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Nine “027”
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Ten “036”
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Eleven “037”
- Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Twelve “048”
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Bundle
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Bundle is the most cost effective way to study!
The Bundle contains all 12 books in this series. It will give a student a life time of new ideas for playing chords and developing highly original styles of playing within any idiom.
Expand your concept on how to choose which chords you play for each song you learn.
These books allow you to be much for compositional in your choice of chords to use for any song. If the melody of a song mostly contains whole steps and 4ths then why not choose a chord structure that is based on those intervals? 025 or 027 would be great choices in this previously circumstance!
Who should use the Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon?
These books can be used by composers and instrumentalist to create new interesting sounding chords. All inversions are included so a composer or pianist has a readily available list. Guitarist will find chords specifically voiced for their instrument with chord diagrams to help them quickly find the chords. Composers writing for guitar will find exact voicings that they know will be playable on the guitar.
MP3s include bass and drum grooves as well as chords.
Bass and drums are included with all MP3s making them fun and helps a student see exactly what these chords will sound like in a musical situation. Tracks are also included without the chords so that a student can improvise over each track.
Save money with the Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Bundle.
The bundle is a great way to save money. If you buy all the Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon separately it will cost you 239.88. Get them now for the low price seen below.
Get Ear Training Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Bundle download as a preorder for special price. Books added as published
Twelve 131 Page PDFs, 9504 MP3s and 608 Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise.
Status: Volumes 1-3 are Currently Available 4-12 are NOT CURRENTLY PUBLISHED!, Digital book is available for preorder!
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Individual Courses
If you prefer to order single books in this series you will find information on each below:
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume One “012”
Example of the études found in Volume One
Each group of études found in this book applies an “012” chord to different styles of music or uses “012” is different ways. All études include 3 different tempos to help a student slowly master each exercise. You will find that the faster you play “012s” the more musical they sound so expect a period of development before this combination is fluent.
Most of the études include addition rhythm section MP3 which can be used to create you own improvisation or used with the
“Ultimate Arpeggio” book to play the études found in that study. Overall the best idea to practice the use of “012s” is to:
- Learn the chord voicings for either piano or guitar by playing them cycle 5.
- If you are a composer write short études uses the “012.”
- Learn how to play the études by first starting slow and then increasing the tempo each day.
- Just listen to the études to get the sound of the 3 note grouping into your ear.
- Sight sing through the études by arpeggiating the chord voicings or singing the bass lines. Many times students may need to use the MetroDrone to help them maintain the key center.
Below are four examples from the “Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume 1: “012.”
- Click on triangle to see the “012” étude with chords on beats 1 and 3:
- The page below shows you an an étude where “012” voicings are substituted over a common chord progression. In this case it is a I7 to bIII7 to II7 to bII7. There is a two measure count off which gives you the key center in half notes. For any dominant chord there are 6 possible “012s” that can used as a substitute. You can find out more about this in the book.
- There are 3 MP3s for each étude each gets progressively faster. Since these études make more musical sense when play at a faster tempo the MP3s below start with the fastest MP3 and then get slower. Keep in mind that there are also midifiles for each example so you can play any exercise at any tempo.
- Level 2 MP3 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- Level 1 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- You can use these études for ear training, sight reading, transcription or just to listen to ingrain the sound of the note in the key center. Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midifiles that accompany this course. Bass charts are also included for all exercises except this example.
- Click on triangle to see the “012” étude in a Funk style:
- There are 3 MP3s for each étude each gets progressively faster. Since these études make more musical sense when play at a faster tempo the MP3s below start with the fastest MP3 and then get slower. Keep in mind that there are also midifiles for each example so you can play any exercise at any tempo.
- Level 2 MP3 for example above with 2 measure count-off on beats 1 and 3 which also creates the key center.
- Level 1 for example above with 2 measure count-off on beats 1 and 3 which also creates the key center.
- You can use these études for ear training, sight reading, transcription or just to listen to ingrain the sound of the note in the key center. Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midifiles that accompany this course.
- Click on triangle to see an étude in a Swing style:
- There are 3 MP3s for each étude each gets progressively faster. Since these études make more musical sense when play at a faster tempo the MP3s below start with the fastest MP3 and then get slower. Keep in mind that there are also midifiles for each example so you can play any exercise at any tempo.
- Level 2 MP3 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- Level 1 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- You can use these études for ear training, sight reading, transcription or just to listen to ingrain the sound of the note in the key center. Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midifiles that accompany this course.
- Click on triangle to see an étude in a Shuffle style:
- There are 3 MP3s for each étude each gets progressively faster. Since these études make more musical sense when play at a faster tempo the MP3s below start with the fastest MP3 and then get slower. Keep in mind that there are also midifiles for each example so you can play any exercise at any tempo.
- Level Two MP3 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- Level 1 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- You can use these études for ear training, sight reading, transcription or just to listen to ingrain the sound of the note in the key center. Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midifiles that accompany this course.
Get Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume One “012” download today!
ISBN: 978-1-59489-531-9
131 Page PDF, 792 MP3s and 108 Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise.
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Two “013”
Volume Two in this series is a MUST OWN course.
“013s” are some of the most beautiful and useful sounds in music. It is also the most versatile chord of the 12 different chord types. Recent research proves that “013” was used extensively by John Coltrane in his late recordings. Proving once again that “013” is a must learn pitch class set because of the great diversity in its application. Below is a quick list of some benefits:
- “013” can be used as a replacement for any chord type.
- “013” is an easy chord to play on both the guitar and the piano.
- “013” can create both a consonant or dissonant sound depending on how it is voiced.
- There is a large quantity of songs and compositions that have a preponderance of “013s” in their melody
- Scales such as the Modes of Major, Melodic Minor Ascending, Harmonic Minor and Diminished all have two discreet “013s” in their scale so it can easily be substituted for these sounds.
Example of the études found in Volume Two
There are seven sets of études in this course and each applies an “013” chord to different type of musical situation. All études include 3 different tempos to help a student slowly master each exercise. “013s” are beautiful sounding at any tempo so the learning curve is not as steep and you can start using them in your playing quickly. “013s” are excellent for replacing the tired chords you play. They are also create a great sound when used in a modal situation.
Most of the études include addition rhythm section MP3 which can be used to create you own improvisation or used with the
“Ultimate Arpeggio” book to play the études found in that study. Overall the best idea to practice the use of “013s” is to:
- Learn the chord voicings for either piano or guitar by playing them cycle 5.
- If you are a composer write short études uses the “013.”
- Learn how to play the études by first starting slow and then increasing the tempo each day.
- Just listen to the études to get the sound of the 3 note grouping into your ear.
- Sight sing through the études by arpeggiating the chord voicings or singing the bass lines. Many times students may need to use the MetroDrone to help them maintain the key center.
Below are four examples from the “Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume 2: “013.”
- Click on triangle to see the “013” étude over the turnaround I, vi, ii, V:
- There are 3 MP3s for each étude each gets progressively faster. Since these études make more musical sense when play at a faster tempo the MP3s below start with the fastest MP3 and then get slower. Keep in mind that there are also midifiles for each example so you can play any exercise at any tempo.
- Level 2 MP3 for example above with 2 measure count-off on beats 1 and 3 which also creates the key center.
- Level 1 for example above with 2 measure count-off on beats 1 and 3 which also creates the key center.
- You can use these études for ear training, sight reading, transcription or just to listen to ingrain the sound of the note in the key center. Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midifiles that accompany this course.
- Click on triangle to see an étude where the “013s” replacement the typical I, vi, ii, V but the V7 chord uses Symmetrical Diminished based harmony. Charts for the bass line are included as well as a piano part transposed down an octave:
- There are 3 MP3s for each étude each gets progressively faster. Since these études make more musical sense when play at a faster tempo the MP3s below start with the fastest MP3 and then get slower. Keep in mind that there are also midifiles for each example so you can play any exercise at any tempo.
- Level 2 MP3 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- Level 1 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- You can use these études for ear training, sight reading, transcription or just to listen to ingrain the sound of the note in the key center. Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midifiles that accompany this course.
- Click on triangle to see an étude using the Diatonic Chords of a Major Scale:
- There are 3 MP3s for each étude each gets progressively faster. Since these études make more musical sense when play at a faster tempo the MP3s below start with the fastest MP3 and then get slower. Keep in mind that there are also midifiles for each example so you can play any exercise at any tempo.
- Level Two MP3 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- Level 1 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- You can use these études for ear training, sight reading, transcription or just to listen to ingrain the sound of the note in the key center. Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midifiles that accompany this course.
- Click on triangle to see the “013” étude playing diatonic Symmetrical Diminished chords over a dominant 7th:
- The page below shows you an an étude where “013” voicings are substituted dominant chord using “013” diatonic Symmetrical Diminished chords. There is a two measure count off which gives you the key center in half notes. For any dominant chord there are 6 possible “013s” that can used as a substitute. You can find out more about this in the book.
- There are 3 MP3s for each étude each gets progressively faster. Since these études make more musical sense when play at a faster tempo the MP3s below start with the fastest MP3 and then get slower. Keep in mind that there are also midifiles for each example so you can play any exercise at any tempo.
- Level 2 MP3 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- Level 1 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- You can use these études for ear training, sight reading, transcription or just to listen to ingrain the sound of the note in the key center. Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midifiles that accompany this course. Bass charts are also included for all exercises except this example.
ISBN: 978-1-59489-532-6
119 Page PDF, 504 MP3s and 84 Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise.
Status: In Stock, Digital book is available for immediate download.
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Three “014”
Volume Three covers 014 chords which are distinctively evocative.
“014s” are mostly used as a substitute for a dominant 7th chord but can also be used as °7 or -Major7 chords. 014’s pair up as a hexatonic scale in many ways and this book covers them all. Below is a quick list of other benefits:
- “014” gives a sound reminiscent of Thelonious Monk!
- “014” is an easy chord to play on both the guitar and the piano.
- “014” creates a mostly dissonant sound so it is very useful when this type of sound is called for i.e. Jazz, Heavy Metal etc…
- There is a large quantity of songs and compositions that have a preponderance of “014s” in their melody. Most of the work Anton Webern employes an “014” pitch class set. Some other notable compositions are Mr. Arnold’s “Numbers” or Judi Silvano and Bruce Arnold’s haunting blues “Remembrances.”
- Scales such as the the highly used Symmetrical Diminished (1/2 step, whole step) have many discreet “014s” in its scale so it can easily be substituted for these sounds.
Example of the études found in Volume Three
There are five sets of études in this course and each applies an “014” chord to different types of musical situations. All études include 3 different tempos to help a student slowly master each exercise. “014s” are beautiful sounding at any tempo so the learning curve is not as steep and you can start using them in your playing quickly. “014s” are especially useful for replacing the tired dominant chord vocings that you play.
Most of the études include addition rhythm section MP3s which can be used to create you own improvisation or used with the
“Ultimate Arpeggio” book to play the études found in that study. Overall the best idea to practice the use of “014s” is to:
- Learn the chord voicings for either piano or guitar by playing them cycle 5.
- If you are a composer write short études uses the “014.”
- Learn how to play the études by first starting slow and then increasing the tempo each day.
- Just listen to the études to get the sound of the 3 note grouping into your ear.
- Sight sing through the études by arpeggiating the chord voicings or singing the bass lines. Many times students may need to use the MetroDrone to help them maintain the key center.
Below are four examples from the “Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume 3: “014.”
- Click on triangle to see the “014” étude over the turnaround I7, VI7, II7, V7:
- There are 3 MP3s for each étude each gets progressively faster. Since these études make more musical sense when play at a faster tempo the MP3s below start with the fastest MP3 and then get slower. Keep in mind that there are also midifiles for each example so you can play any exercise at any tempo.
- Level 2 MP3 for example above with 2 measure count-off on beats 1 and 3 which also creates the key center.
- Level 1 for example above with 2 measure count-off on beats 1 and 3 which also creates the key center.
- You can use these études for ear training, sight reading, transcription or just to listen to ingrain the sound of the note in the key center. Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midifiles that accompany this course.
- Click on triangle to see an étude where the “014s” replacement the chords for a Blues progression. Charts for the bass line are included as well as a piano part transposed down an octave:
- There are 3 MP3s for each étude each gets progressively faster. Since these études make more musical sense when play at a faster tempo the MP3s below start with the fastest MP3 and then get slower. Keep in mind that there are also midifiles for each example so you can play any exercise at any tempo.
- Level 2 MP3 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- Level 1 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center
- You can use these études for ear training, sight reading, transcription or just to listen to ingrain the sound of the note in the key center. Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midifiles that accompany this course.
- Click on triangle to see an étude where “014” replaces either a Diminished 7th or Minor Major 7th Chord:
- There are 3 MP3s for each étude each gets progressively faster. Since these études make more musical sense when play at a faster tempo the MP3s below start with the fastest MP3 and then get slower. Keep in mind that there are also midifiles for each example so you can play any exercise at any tempo.
- Level Two MP3 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- Level 1 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- You can use these études for ear training, sight reading, transcription or just to listen to ingrain the sound of the note in the key center. Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midifiles that accompany this course.
- Click on triangle to see the “014” étude playing “014” voicings derived from a Symmetrical Diminished scale over a dominant 7th:
- The page below shows you an an étude where “014” voicings derived from a Symmetrical Diminished scale over a dominant 7th. There is a two measure count off which gives you the key center in half notes. For any dominant chord there are many possible “014s” that can used as a substitute. You can find out more about this in the book.
- There are 3 MP3s for each étude each gets progressively faster. Since these études make more musical sense when play at a faster tempo the MP3s below start with the fastest MP3 and then get slower. Keep in mind that there are also midifiles for each example so you can play any exercise at any tempo.
- Level 2 MP3 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- Level 1 for example above with 2 measure count-off which also creates the key center.
- You can use these études for ear training, sight reading, transcription or just to listen to ingrain the sound of the note in the key center. Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midifiles that accompany this course. Bass charts are also included for all exercises except this example.
ISBN: 978-1-59489-533-3
106 Page PDF, 360 MP3s and 60 Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise.
Status: In Stock, Digital book is available for immediate download.
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Four “015”
Get Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Four “015” as preorder!
ISBN: 978-1-59489-534-0
131 Page PDF, 792 MP3s and 108 Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise.
Status: NOT CURRENTLY PUBLISHED!, Digital book is available for preorder.
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Five “016”
Get Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Five “016” as preorder!
ISBN: 978-1-59489-535-7
131 Page PDF, 792 MP3s and 108 Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise.
Status: NOT CURRENTLY PUBLISHED!, Digital book is available for preorder.
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Six “024”
Get Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Six “024” download today!
ISBN: 978-1-59489-536-4
131 Page PDF, 792 MP3s and 108 Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise.
Status: NOT CURRENTLY PUBLISHED!, Digital book is available for preorder.
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Seven “025”
Get Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Seven “025” as preorder!
ISBN: 978-1-59489-537-1
131 Page PDF, 792 MP3s and 108 Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise.
Status: NOT CURRENTLY PUBLISHED!, Digital book is available for preorder.
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Eight “024”
Get Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Eight “026” as preorder!
ISBN: 978-1-59489-538-8
131 Page PDF, 792 MP3s and 108 Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise.
Status: NOT CURRENTLY PUBLISHED!, Digital book is available for preorder.
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Nine “027”
Get Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Nine “027” as preorder!
ISBN: 978-1-59489-539-5
131 Page PDF, 792 MP3s and 108 Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise.
Status: NOT CURRENTLY PUBLISHED!, Digital book is available for preorder.
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Ten “036”
Get Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Ten “036” as preorder!
ISBN: 978-1-59489-540-1
131 Page PDF, 792 MP3s and 108 Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise.
Status: NOT CURRENTLY PUBLISHED!, Digital book is available for preorder.
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Eleven “037”
Get Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Six “037” as preorder!
ISBN: 978-1-59489-541-8
131 Page PDF, 792 MP3s and 108 Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise.
Status: NOT CURRENTLY PUBLISHED!, Digital book is available for preorder.
Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Twelve “048”
Get Ultimate 3 Note Chord Lexicon Volume Six “024” as preorder!
ISBN: 978-1-59489-542-5
131 Page PDF, 792 MP3s and 108 Midifiles plus bass clef part for each exercise.
Status: NOT CURRENTLY PUBLISHED!, Digital book is available for preorder.
- What people are saying:
- I’ve been waiting for this series for a long time. I own Sonic Resource Guide, Ultimate Arpeggio and Tools for Modern Improvisation and find them fascinating. Glad I can now see a path to developing my own style with these chords. M. Anders
- I have the “012” book and find these structures very useful in free improvisation. Very dissonant structures excite me and as a guitarist seeing Mr. Arnold’s handpicked voicings saves me a lot of time.J. Nader
- I’m a jazz bassist and find the bass parts in these books to be a fantastic place to find new and interesting ways to compose bass lines. It is also great sight reading material!! H. Bain
- These books have brought me into a world that I didn’t even know existed. I love all the new sounds that these structure create. They are very easy to learn and because each chord can be used in so many ways its really expanding my playing ability quickly D. Kettler