Tools for Music Mastery
Tools for Music Mastery Series
The “Tools for Music Mastery” is a series of six books geared toward improving a musician’s ability simultaneously in ear training, sight reading, sight singing, time development, music recognition skills, phrasing and articulation diversification, and finally, the improvisational concept of combining a scale and approach notes. What makes this series unique is that each of the included exercises address all of these aspects of musicianship simultaneously! Since a student’s abilities in each of these areas can vary greatly it is highly recommended that you purchase the bundle edition of “Tools for Music Mastery” so that you have access to all levels of these exercises.
Each exercise in “Tools for Music Mastery” is a written piece of music which includes a drone to establish the key center. This makes even the simple act of sight reading an exercise a good away to improve your note recognition skills because you will hear all notes in relationship to a key center. Your ability to feel time (as opposed to counting time) will be enhanced by the fact that the drone only happens on beat 1, or on beats 1 and 3. This naturally leads to building up your long line rhythm skills as you read through the exercise. Each exercise is also a combination of a scale and various approach note figures. This teaches how to add improvisational figures into scales; a common technique used in contemporary improvisation. The exercises will also deepen a student’s rhythmic diversity when soloing, and also prepares them for just about any sight reading situation.
As mentioned each exercise includes a drone, and starts with simple and slow melodies. Throughout the course these become more and more difficult, which make them excellent for honing transcription abilities. It is recommended that you try some of the examples below to test your abilities in all these various areas.
Some students may wish to work on one aspect of their musicianship and therefore there are individual downloads of each book available if needed.
Get Tools for Music Mastery Bundle save almost 40.00 by buying the bundle rather than individual courses
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Test your abilities with the six levels of this course!
Test below concentrate on sight reading, sight singing and rhythm comprehension skills. REMEMBER..
- Each of the six volumes covers a different metric level.
- Each varies how often you hear the drone.
- Each varies the rhythmic difficulty.
- Each varies the types of rhythms used.
- Each of the 6 courses gives you 12 different examples in all 12 keys. That is 144 different examples for each level with 432 MP3 per course!
- Each exercises has 3 MP3s at different tempos plus midi files if you want to play the exercise slower or faster.
- There are 12 different examples for each scale/approach note figure exercise
Please Note: We recommend that all guitarist work with the Guitar Technique and Physiology Course so that you learn with proper scale technique. This course gives you a comprehensive approach to playing guitar and includes a videos on all aspects of guitar technique.
- Click on triangle to see a Level 1 example. Use this to test your sight reading, sight singing or your rhythmic ability. You can also test your transcription ability by transcribing the notes from the MP3 below and then check your transcription by clicking on the triangle to see the score.
- Level One MP3: Click triangle above to see drop down score. Count off is two measures of half notes. Half note MetroDrone® builds your ability to keep time with out metronomic subdivision by every beat especially at slower tempos.
- Level Two MP3 for example above
- Level Three MP3 for example above
- Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midi files that accompany this course.
- Click on triangle to see a Level 2 example. Use this to test your sight reading, sight singing or your rhythmic ability. You can also test your transcription ability by transcribing the notes from the MP3 below and then check your transcription by clicking on the triangle to see the score.
- Level Two MP3: Click triangle above to see drop down score. Count off is two measures of whole notes. Whole note MetroDrone® builds your ability to keep time with out metronomic subdivision by every beat especially at slower tempos.
- Level Two MP3 for example above
- Level Three MP3 for example above
- Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midi files that accompany this course.
- Click on triangle to see a Level 3 example. Use this to test your sight reading, sight singing or your rhythmic ability. You can also test your transciption ability by transcribing the notes from the MP3 below and then check your transcription by clicking on the triangle to see the score.
- Level Three MP3: Click triangle above to see drop down score. Count off is two measures of whole notes. Whole note MetroDrone® builds your ability to keep time with out metronomic subdivision by every beat especially at slower tempos.
- Level Two MP3 for example above[
- Level Three MP3 for example above
- Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midi files that accompany this course.
- Click on triangle to see a Level 4 example. Use this to test your sight reading, sight singing or your rhythmic ability. You can also test your transcription ability by transcribing the notes from the MP3 below and then check your transcription by clicking on the triangle to see the score.
- Level Four MP3: Click triangle above to see drop down score. Count off is two measures of whole notes. Whole note MetroDrone® builds your ability to keep time with out metronomic subdivision by every beat especially at slower tempos. PLEASE NOTE FOR TRIPLETS THERE IS 12 EXAMPLES THAT GIVE HALF NOTES AS DRONE FOR THOSE THAT NEED IT.
- Level Two MP3 for example above
- Level Three MP3 for example above
- Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midi files that accompany this course.
- Click on triangle to see a Level 5 example. Use this to test your sight reading, sight singing or your rhythmic ability. You can also test your transcription ability by transcribing the notes from the MP3 below and then check your transcription by clicking on the triangle to see the score.
- Level Five MP3: Click triangle above to see dropdown score. Count off is two measures of whole notes. Whole note MetroDrone® builds your ability to keep time with out metronomic subdivision by every beat especially at slower tempos.
- Level Two MP3 for example above
- Level Three MP3 for example above
- Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midi files that accompany this course.
- Click on triangle to see a Level 6 example. Use this to test your sight reading, sight singing or your rhythmic ability. You can also test your transcription ability by transcribing the notes from the MP3 below and then check your transcription by clicking on the triangle to see the score.
- Level Six MP3: Click triangle above to see dropdown score. Count off is two measures of half notes. Half note MetroDrone® builds your ability to keep time with out metronomic subdivision by every beat especially at slower tempos and particularly at this 32nd note level.
- Level Two MP3 for example above
- Level Three MP3 for example above
- Remember you can play these examples at any tempo… Super slow or extremely fast with the midi files that accompany this course.
Recommended first purchase.
We recommend you purchase Tools for Music Mastery Bundle to save money. Because of these multifaceted applications these exercises are an excellent use of your practice time. “Tools for Music Mastery” comes as a set of books; in this case six books that are meant to be used together as musicians skills will vary, each of the six levels will be useful for different tasks. For instance, your sight reading skills may be able to handle harder exercises than your transcription ability, therefore you most likely will be working out of more than one volume of the series at the same time.
Tools for Music Mastery Bundle
- Additional Information for Tools for Music Mastery Bundle:
- Digital IBSN: 978-1-59489-509-8
- 6 volumes of books 187 pages each with 432 MP3s and 288 midi files for each volume.
Get Tools for Music Mastery Bundle today. Save almost 40.00 off buying all individual downloads. Bring your musicianship to a masters level with the power of all 6 levels!
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Individual purchases for the 6 volumes of: Tools for Music Mastery
We have also found over the years that for many reasons customers may prefer an incremental approach to getting involved with this ear training method. To satisfy this we have broken the Tools for Music Mastery books up so you can purchase them as separate volumes. While not the most cost effective way to approach this course, we include it nevertheless.
Tools for Music Mastery Quarter L1
Tools for Music Mastery Quarter L1 contains the book and associated audio files.
- Additional Information for Tools for Music Mastery Quarter L1:
- Digital IBSN: 978-1-59489-503-6
- 187 pages with 432 MP3s and 288 midi files.
Get Tools for Music Mastery Quarter L1 today and transform your musicianship.
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Tools for Music Mastery Quarter L2
Tools for Music Mastery Quarter L2 contains the book and associated audio files.
- Additional Information for Tools for Music Mastery Quarter L2:
- Digital IBSN: 978-1-59489-504-3
- 187 pages with 432 MP3s and 288 midi files.
Get Tools for Music Mastery Quarter L2 today and transform your musicianship.
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Tools for Music Mastery Eighth L1
Tools for Music Mastery Eighth L1 contains the book and associated audio files.
- Additional Information for Tools for Music Mastery Eighth L1:
- Digital IBSN: 978-1-59489-505-0
- 187 pages with 432 MP3s and 288 midi files.
Get Tools for Music Mastery Eighth L1 today and transform your musicianship skills.
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Tools for Music Mastery Triplet L1
Tools for Music Mastery Triplet L1 contains the book and associated audio files.
- Additional Information for Tools for Music Mastery Triplet L1:
- Digital IBSN: 978-1-59489-506-7
- 187 pages with 432 MP3s and 288 midi files.
Get Tools for Music Mastery Triplet L1 today and transform musicianship.
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Tools for Music Mastery Sixteenth L1
Tools for Music Mastery Sixteenth L1 contains the book and associated audio files.
- Additional Information for Tools for Music Mastery Sixteenth L1:
- Digital IBSN: 978-1-59489-507-4
- 187 pages with 432 MP3s and 288 midi files.
Get Tools for Music Mastery Sixteenth L1 musicianship skills.
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Tools for Music Mastery Thirty Second L1
Tools for Music Mastery Thirty Second L1 contains the book and associated audio files.
- Additional Information for Tools for Music Mastery Thirty Second L1:
- Digital IBSN: 978-1-59489-508-1
- 187 pages with 432 MP3s and 288 midi files.
Get Tools for Music Mastery Thirty Second L1 today and transform your musicianship.
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
- What people are saying:
- Truly a tour de force for developing your ability to read, transcribe, and sight sing! I use this course with quite a few other Muse Eek Products such as Ear Training One Note Complete and Contextual Ear Training. The Tools for Music Mastery helps me with sight reading and developing technical skills with approach notes and the other books help with my ear training. I also sight sing each example. Seems to be really helping me a lot! I. Raskin
- I’ve been requesting a product like Tools for Music Mastery from Bruce for quite some time. As many of you know its really hard to find sight reading materials that are really challenging that prepare you for the contemporary world of music. It’s also almost impossible to find reading materials for approach notes so this is fulfillment of a long awaited product. Thanks!! A. Johnsen
- I’m a beginning sight reader so I’ll probably be stuck on the lower levels of Tools for Music Mastery for awhile. I emailed Bruce and a few things that he recommended seem to make sense. 1. Use the Beat Reading Exercise to read through the levels that are too difficult to train your eye to move ahead of the music. 2. If you can’t play the notes a least tap the rhythms for various exercises to gain ability in that area. 3. Don’t become overwhelmed just work on this course 15 to 20 minutes a day and over the next few years your ability will skyrocket. I’m following those tips! D. Wang
- The best reading and transcription examples I’ve ever seen. Kudos! R. Thompson
- Recommended books to use with Tools for Music Mastery
- What should I work on after Tools for Music Mastery?