Ear Training 3 note Series by Bruce Arnold for Muse Eek Publishing Company

Three Note Ear Training Series

Three Note Ear Training Series develops your ability to modulate and hear three notes played either simultaneously or in succession. There are three different types of Three Note Ear Training Available in the Series.

Three Note Ear Training Series

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Please note: The Three Note Ear Training Types listed should be practiced in the order listed above.

Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous:

Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous is consistent with the exercises found it the Two Note Ear Training Series but with three notes. Three Note Ear Training is done in the exact same way as Two Note Ear Training so no book is included. In some ways it’s easier because three notes define a key center easier than two notes. Five Volumes available.

Recommended prerequisite:

  • Ear Training One Note Advanced
  • Key Note Recognition
  • Ear Training Two Note Advanced

Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous.

Five Volume of Downloads Available in MP3 format:

Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous…Volume One

Get Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous…Volume One download today!

MSK 180

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous… Volume Two.

Get Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous…Volume Two download today!

MSK 181

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock,Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous… Volume Three.

Get Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous…Volume Three download today!

MSK 182

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous… Volume Four

Get Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous…Volume Four download today!

MSK 183

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous… Volume Five.

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

Get Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous…Volume Five download today!

MSK 184

99 MP3s no book

Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated Study:

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated Study plays 3 note arpeggios 10 times with a 10 second gap between each repetition. A student can use these files to similate soloing over unknown changes. This is done by playing one note on your instrument after you hear the 3 notes. A student first distinguishes the key center of the 3 notes. Then using the one note ear training method identifies the three notes within the key. The remaining time is spent improvising over the 3 note arpeggiation which lasts about 2 minutes. The names of the notes are not given verbally on the track but the track name contains the pitches played. This is a great exercises for simulating improvising over chord changes without known what chord is next. These MP3’s use an acoustic piano sound and each example chooses three out of the 88 possible notes on the piano. Five Volumes available.

Recommended prerequisite:

  • Ear Training One Note Advanced
  • Key Note Recognition

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated Study.

Five Volume of Downloads Available in MP3 format:

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated…Volume One

Get Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated…Volume One download today!

MSK 206

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated…Volume Two.

Get Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated…Volume Two download today!

MSK 207

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated…Volume Three.

Get Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated…Volume Three download today!

MSK 208

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated…Volume Four

Get Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated…Volume Four download today!

MSK 209

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated…Volume Five.

Get Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated…Volume Five download today!

MSK 210

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Three Note Simultaneous Study.

Ear Training Three NoteDirect Application Three Note Simultaneous Study plays 3 note simultaneously 10 times with a 10 second gap between each repetition. This series of Direct Application exerises should be used after working with the arpeggiated versions. The techniques used with this set of exercises is the same as the arpeggiated version. For example a student can use these files to similate soloing over unknown changes. This is done by playing one note on your instrument after you hear the 3 notes. A student first distinguishes the key center of the 3 notes. Then using the one note ear training method identifies the three notes within the key. The remaining time is spent improvising over the 3 note arpeggiation which lasts about 2 minutes. The names of the notes are not given verbally on the track but the track name contains the pitches played. This is a great exercises for simulating improvising over chord changes without known what chord is next. These MP3’s use an acoustic piano sound and each example chooses three out of the 88 possible notes on the piano. Five Volumes available.

Recommended prerequisite:

  • Ear Training One Note Advanced
  • Key Note Recognition

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Simultaneous

Five Volume of Downloads Available in MP3 format:

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Simultaneous…Volume One

Get Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Simultaneous…Volume One download today!

MSK 210

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Simultaneous… Volume Two.

Get Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Simultaneous…Volume Two download today!

MSK 211

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Simultaneous… Volume Three.

Get Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Simultaneous…Volume Three download today!

MSK 212

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Simultaneous… Volume Four

Get Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Simultaneous…Volume Four download today!

MSK 213

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Simultaneous… Volume Five.

Get Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Simultaneous…Volume Five download today!

MSK 214

99 MP3s no book

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

What people are saying:

I been working with the muse-eek.com ear training for five years. It’s been quite a journey and education. When I think about what I knew when I started and what I know now it makes me chuckle. I really had not a clue on how to really hear music and know I can hear 3 notes played identify the key center and know what the three notes are. That’s pretty amazing in my view. I wouldn’t say this ear training is easy but I will say that without these well designed products and the support that Bruce gives students makes this whole process doable. In general I’d say if you aren’t serious about learning ear training then stay away because every aspect of the way Mr. Arnold interacts with students to the way the books are put together expects that you are serious about music and you really want to be a world class musician. If that’s your goal then look no further. W. Robinson

I’ve been working with the Ear Training Three Note Direct Application Arpeggiated MP3s over the last few months. Bruce recommended these to give me more work on applying my ear training skills. I think this is one of the most important aspects of the muse-eek.com ear training program is the understanding that if you don’t apply your ability to real music you will never be able to use in real time as you play or listen to music. Personally I think keeping in touch with Mr. Arnold about your progress is important too. Every time I contacted him I learned something about how I could improve my practice regimen. In my opinion muse-eek.com music books are the best in the business for a serious musician. K. Hernández

I emailed Bruce because I was about 60% on the two note ear training and from that email he suggested I try a few Three Note Ear Training downloads to see if it would help my modulation skills. Bruce explained that many time three notes actually form a stronger key center than two notes. I worked with the three notes for a few months and then went back to the two note ear training examples that I had problems with and sure enough I could hear the modulation better. Thanks Bruce! G. Thompson

I’ve been using a few of the Three Note Ear Training studies Direct Application downloads to help my ability to recognize chords in a real music situation. Not only has this improved my ability but it has been a real education on how I actually hear simple chord progressions. I never would have guessed that the chord that happen previous is so important in how you hear the next chord. This is just amazing to me every time I do this exercise it just blows me away the amount I learn about how I “hear” music as to opposed to how I “think” about music. A. Pérez

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About Muse Eek

Muse-Eek Publishing Company is a publishing house with a broad focus on music education. Muse-Eek also publishes fine art and poetry books, and has its own record label, Muse-Eek Records. Our online presence, Muse-Eek.com specializes in the publication of music workbooks, video courses and sound and video recordings that teach the foundation of good musicianship through groundbreaking and innovative methods along with traditional methods that have been taught for centuries. These historic methods date back through centuries of great musicians and educators. To see these interesting relationship please see Bruce Arnold's Music Education Genealogy Chart which tells you a lot about the where many of his educational ideas took root and some of the educational pillars that are evident throughout the books you find on this website. The Muse-Eek Records catalogue contains a diverse selection of music much of it by Bruce Arnold in collaboration with some of today's best players in classical, jazz, rock and avant-garde music. These are available in CD, DVD and mp3 formats. We believe in a working relationship with our music education customers; they are free to interact with the author after purchasing a book to help them through any material they don’t understand or which they need further clarification. We also have a member's area which contains a wealth of free information to help a student understand music at a deeper level and access additional files for our books. Many of our books offer cutting edge ideas regarding ear training, guitar technique, rhythm and time. These methods have a proven track record. Our main author Bruce Arnold has taught at some of the most prestigious music schools in the world, including Princeton, Dartmouth, Berklee College of Music, New England Conservatory, The New School and NYU. Along with Mr. Arnold's publications on the Muse-eek.com website he has also written books and appeared in educational DVDs for MelBay and Truefire. Over the years Mr Arnold has used his experiences with his students to develop a program that can elevate a musician's ability to world class caliber. If you have questions about any of our books or recordings please send us an email. Along with general questions about either our record label or our publishing company we also welcome questions to help a student choose the proper materials to reach their goals. We have over 300 products to help you learn any style of music and to develop your musicianship to its peak. We also make recommendations for practice schedules for students who use our methods to get the most out of their study time. This, along with personal interaction with Bruce through email, nurtures the student's ability through a closely monitored situation, ensuring there is no wasted time or misunderstanding.