
Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V1

Practice Perfect Applied Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V1

Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V1 combines slash chord harmony with contextual ear training exercises. The first underlying goal of this combination is to get a student to hear a series of slash chords in one key center. Then through various exercises get them to either sing or identify pitches in the key center created by the slash chords. This also goes to the premise that in order to identify the notes within a slash chord you must first be able to hear that slash chord in relation to a key center. This course does not have you identify the slash chord structures in a key center but it takes the first step in getting you first to hear the overall key center that the slash chords create.

Volume One in this Slash Chord Series presents some simple applications of slash chords in a funk style. While Slash Chords are used in many idioms, funk is historically been one of the places you find it most frequently. This makes these progression very typical examples of the common application of slash chords. It is also important to note that almost every slash chord presented in each progression contains diatonic notes from the overall key center. This makes hearing the key center easier for a beginner.

As you can see from the description above there is more than one force at work in the exercises contained in this course. One other force that should be mentioned, is learning how to hear key centers with various types of pitch combinations. Obviously triad based harmony is commonly used because of its ability to create a strong sense of key. But real music has many different types of pitch combinations, slash chords being only one possibility. That said, the first volume in this slash chord series is an excellent place for an ear training student to start to work toward what musician’s often call the “hip sounds.” Those being the note combinations not so often used but adored by many.

Recommendations for Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V1

As with previous courses in the Practice Perfect Applied Ear Training Series, it is recommended that you have either worked with or understand completely the ideas presented in the Ear Training One Note Complete and Contextual Ear Training courses. As you can tell from the introduction to this course, you are entering a deeper understanding of sound in many ways with these exercises and it’s important that you have the proper background to help you not make mistakes in perception along the way.

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Background Information for Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V1

Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V1 is the beginning of a series of courses to help you hear and understand slash chords. Slash chords are usually 4 note structures where there are 3 notes on the top of the voicing that form either a Major, Minor, Diminished or Augmented Triad and then a bass note is added below this structure. They are written with a slash between the upper structure and the bass note. i.e. D/C is a D triad with a C in the bass. These chords are used extensively in pop, rock, R&B and jazz. Most people are aware of these chords from bands like Steely Dan and Stevie Wonder.

Specific Info on Practice Perfect Applied Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V1

Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V1 covers the slash chords that can be derived from a C Major Scale. While this might seem like only a few possible chords, that is far from the truth. You can take the diatonic chords of C: C major, D minor, E minor, F major, G major, A minor and B diminished at put all these chords over C, D, E, F, G, A and B bass notes. That is a lot of different chords and is a great place to start to learn slash chords because most of you play songs with the typical diatonic chords so you can immediately start replacing these chords with the slash chords. Listen to the examples below, they are beautiful sounds, get this book and start using these sounds in your playing. Most slash chords are easy to play on a piano or guitar. If you are a composer then you can immediately start putting these chords into your new compositions.

What is Practice Perfect?

The Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training Series of books provides multiple ways for a musician to hone their ear training skills through exercises that use real music. That is, these exercises place a musician in a real live music situation simulating the contexts most associated with performance.

If you are new to the Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Ear Training Series of books. We recommend you first work with both the Ear Training One Note Complete and Contextual Ear Training Course. These will help you to hear notes within a key center which is the entire approach to our ear training courses.

The Applied Slash Chord Ear Training Series includes the following kinds of exercises:

  • Examples of common chord progressions found in the jazz lexicon with Piano, Bass and Drums. Both interpreted and semi-strict interpretations are included.
  • Exercises where you only hear the bass playing the chord changes while you are prompted to sing or guess notes within the key center.
  • Just the piano playing the changes, with or without a key center drone and then prompted to sing or guess notes within the key center.

This course is structured for beginning to advanced students. Slash Chord can vary from simple to highly complex in this volume only slash chords that are derived from a Major scale are use. This helps a student get use to these highly common structures without introducing other types of structures that can complicate the learning process.

Additional Materials found in the Applied Slash Chord Ear Training Course

This course also contains the exercises above as well as a video for each chord progression

Examples of the Audio Tracks Found on Practice Perfect Slash Chord Standard Ear Training Volume One

Keep in mind that for each exercise there is either a Soprano, Alto and Tenor voice used to sing the answer. There are 180 exercises found in this course. A total of 10 chord progressions are presented. Some of these progressions are only four chords while some are much more complex. There are various examples of these slash chord progressions below:

Excerpts from Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Standard Ear Training Volume One

Progression plays a brief drone during the count off to establish the key center. Each chord progression gives you 12 listening and 12 singing exercises. You will find one of these examples for each of the 10 chord progressions below:

Get Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training Volume One Today!

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

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Additional Information for Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training Volume One:

  • ISBN: 978-1-59489-315-5
  • 9 page PDF giving ideas and suggestions for practice as well as explanation of how slash chords are commonly used.
  • Singing and Listening MP3s 180 in Total
  • 10 Videos

What people are saying:

One area where I felt Muse Eek could do a better job is explaining the use of slash chords. The PDF that accompanies this course is an excellent tutorial on how to hear and improvise over slash chords. That said, I’m really enjoying improvising over these chord progressions. I’m glad they made each track long so that I can keep going for a long time. THANKS!! E. Lee

I’ve always had trouble with slash chords. Both understanding and hearing them. This is an excellent course for me because it starts out easy with diatonic related slash chords. I’m already within a week starting to hear these structures! I. Anders

There is one paragraph in this book that completely blew my mind. It’s the explanation of why you don’t want to learn to hear the structure of common chords. Why? Because they all sound different within a key center. So simple yet so profound! A. Blake

I’ve been working on the Practice Perfect Classical Ear Training and the Practice Perfect Rock Ear Training Courses. This is exactly the type of course I needed because I really want to understand the music of Steely Dan and others who use these slash chords throughout their music. K. Cleaver