
Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V2 using 12 Bar Blues Ear Training in Real Time.

Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V2

Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V2 creates 12 Bar Blues progressions using slash chords. One of the most difficult things for students is to expand their key based palette. By this I mean a student’s ability to hear a key center when the chord structures presented in a progression are not built in 3rds or if they are a different bass note is used under a triad. In both cases most students ear can’t distinguish the key center. If you can’t distinguish the key center in any piece of music you are attempting to play the out come will of course be pretty poor. Most people reading this description are probably here because they have experienced this first hand.

Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V2 uses the 12 Bar Blues as its basic form to create each progression. You will find this commonly done in many idioms including Jazz, R & B, Rock, Pop and many other idioms. Therefore this is a crucial course for developing your ability to hear the key centers created by these slash chord progressions. Over time it will also help to build your key center palette so that you can easily distinguish key centers with more and more complex harmony.

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Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V2

Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V2 applies slash chords to a 12 bar blues progression. The principle behind this course is to create slash chords from the original scale that was used for each chord change in the original progression. This is a common technique you should use when you are trying to create slash chords that won’t interfere with the original scale or chord of the moment. In other words you can use your slash chords without worry about interfering with someone soloing over the original changes.

What is Practice Perfect?

The Practice Perfect Applied Ear Training series of books provides multiple ways for a musician to hone their ear training skills through exercises that teach by using real time application within a music environment. That is, these exercises place a musician in a real live music situation simulating the contexts most associated with performance. Volume Two uses a 12 bar blues in 12 keys which has been re-harmonized and then slash chords have been added. The scale from which the slash chords were derived are included in the book. This gives you a bird’s eye view of exactly how to re-harmonize a chord progression with slash chords. It also gives you multiple exercises to learn to hear these chords within a key center.

If you are new to the Practice Perfect Applied Ear Training Series of books. We recommend you first work with both the Ear Training One Note Complete and Contextual Ear Training Course. These will help you to hear notes within a key center which is the entire approach to our ear training courses.

The Applied Jazz Ear Training Series includes the following kinds of exercises:

  • Examples of common chord progressions found in the jazz lexicon with Piano, Bass and Drums. Both interpreted and semi-strict interpretations are included.
  • Just the piano playing the changes, with a drone of the root of the key center while also being prompted to sing notes within the key center.
  • 12 Videos. One for each chord progression. A great way to help you follow the slash chords as you progress through each chorus of the tune!

Examples of the audio tracks found on Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chords Ear Training V2

Keep in mind that for each exercise there are either a Soprano, Alto and Tenor voice used sing the answer. There are 216 exercises found in this course. They use 12 re-harmonizations of a Major Blues Chord Progression. There are various examples of all three of these below:

Excerpts from Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V2

Progression plays one chorus to establish key center then exercise begins. Four different types of files presented below. All exercises use different re-harmonizations of a 12 Bar Blues. So it’s a perfect course for 12 Bar Blues Ear Training

Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V2 Today!

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

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Additional Information for Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V2:

  • Digital Edition 978-1-59489-305-6
  • 12 page PDF explaining slash chords and also showing the scales from which each slash chord is derived.
  • 216 MP3s
  • 12 Videos

What people are saying:

This is a great ear training course but the information in the PDF is exactly what I’ve been looking for for years! A detailed explanation of how to use slash chords as well as how to produce them in various musical situations. Excellent! Y. Boigon

I’ve been working with the Practice Perfect Jazz Series and this fits right in. The slash chords give the 12 bar blues such a modern sound. Really love working with these chord progressions and the key of E and A are really pushing my limits to hearing within a key center. Thanks P. Lawrence

Slash chords have been a mystery to me all my life. Couldn’t hear them nor did I understand how they were chosen within a chord progression. This book answers both of those questions. I’m so glad that I found this website! Q. Neiberg

Well this new book certainly kicks it up a notch from the Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training V1. Yikes! this is going to take me awhile to process, but I love it. Thanks! J. James