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Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume One

Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume One

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Have you ever wished you could better understand the guitar’s fret board, so that you could:

  • See it as a interconnected map in your mind’s eye …
  • Instantly apply that roadmap to great solos – improvised not by accident, but totally by YOUR design …
  • Understand chords and without hesitation, construct both simple and complex chords on the fly starting anywhere on the fret board …

Can you imagine what such abilities could do for your confidence and your playing?

Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume One creates just this type of seamless marriage between your visual knowledge of the guitar fret board and your understanding of the music theory behind what you are playing …

Both guitar fret board diagrams and traditional music notation are used to help you learn music theory. You can SEE, COMPARE and UNDERSTAND how notes look on your guitar fret board and on a music staff at the same time.

This crucial combination will be your secret weapon to learning music theory quickly and easily AND retaining it with no problems.

The unique approach of this book has been used by thousands of guitarists to conquer the intricacies of the guitar fret board. With time and application, the mystery disappears and you can not only understand music theory but also see it and know how to use it on your guitar.

This ability will revolutionize your playing …

With only a few minutes a day working with the Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume One, you will master the ability to:

  • Pick up what others are playing on the guitar by sight more rapidly …
  • See all intervals and chords by sight on the guitar …
  • Understand music theory and be IN SYNC with your fellow musicians …
  • Make music theory a natural process as you see it on your guitar …
  • Build a solid foundation for great solos, comping and great composing …
  • See, understand and build countless chord combinations, from simple to complex, starting anywhere on your guitar fret board …
  • Understand how the notes on the guitar fret board relate to notes found on a music staff …
  • Understand key signatures …
  • Understand the names of all intervals …

You will also have access to the member's area where you will find free PDFs to help you learn and apply music theory.

You’ll have access to additional materials that:

  • Show all the notes found on the guitar and their related positions on the musical staff …
  • Help you further understand the two different ways to figure out the notes found in any chord type …
  • Provide exercises to apply music theory to your instrument …
  • Further your understanding of the correct method for building intervals, and naming intervals with the correct spelling …
  • Explain diatonic chords and their importance in the music you play …

Plus you’ll receive videos showing how to apply the information learned in Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume One to the guitar fret board and help files for learning to read music. In addition, all possible alternate answers to the exercises are provided.

It's not uncommon to find guitarists who have worked through this book skipping past multiple levels of college based theory, and going into advanced placement. You will have a black belt in music theory in no time and remember it forever because it will be part of you when you play your guitar.

The Theory section of this book uses extremely simple language to explain the basics of music theory. The exercises require the student to write out the problem or example using staff notation, and then to find those notes on a guitar fret board diagram.

This book takes the student through simple interval examples to highly complex chords, and unlike any other workbook used in academia, the answers to all problems are found in the back of the book. All theory is made to apply directly to the fret board of the guitar, thus ingraining the information in both the head and hands.

Get Started today and learn music theory and apply it directly to your guitar fretboard!

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

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