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Sight Reading Solved by Bruce Arnold for Muse Eek Publishing Company

Sight Reading Solved Intermediate Level

Sight Reading Solved Intermediate Level improve your ability to read in 19 different modes in all 12 keys.

Sight Reading Solved Intermediate Level is a series of books for any student seeking to improve their sight reading skills. It is meant for students seeking to become professional musicians. Sight Reading Solved Intermediate Level consists of sight reading études using the modes of:

  • Major
  • Melodic Minor Ascending
  • Diminished
  • Whole Tone
  • Two modes of Harmonic Minor

Prepares you for the most common types of melodies found in modern music.

The Intermediate level is for the advanced beginner. It concentrates on highly rhythmic examples commonly found in contemporary music.

Midi files help you gain accuracy.

Downloadable midi files for each exercise helps the student to develop a high level of accuracy at any tempo. These files are included with the digital download.

Take your sight reading skills to a new level with Sight Reading Solved Intermediate Level

Get started with Rhythms Volume Four today and start expressing those fast rhythms you have always wanted to play!

Status: In stock, physical book ships in 24 hours. Digital book is available for immediate access.


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