Pitch Class Set Theory and Practice Courses
About Pitch Class Set Theory and Practice Courses
These courses combine both theoretical information about the content and études or exercises to help you apply the information. These courses look at unique combinations of notes that give you a signature sound. Trichords or 3 note patterns are discussed in two of the books and the combination of two four note groups are discussed in the other. All of these books point out the interesting and unique sounds you can get by combining smaller group combinations into larger aggregates.
Pitch Class Set Theory and Practice Courses
These books help you understand the theory behind the exercises which can help you to take the information and find your own path with each course. Many of the concepts used in these courses break new ground and create interesting new combinations of notes that all have a very modern flavor. This series contains three courses that are listed below.
Pitch Class Set Theory and Practice Course Bundle
If you want to learn more about any of the courses below or order them separately just follow the links below. Buying all the courses in the Pitch Class Set Theory and Practice Course would normally cost you $90.00 USD. Get all courses for 39.99 with the Special Bundle Price Below. This Bundle includes:
Practicing Pitch Class Sets
The Pitch Class Set Theory and Practice Courses do require a bit of practice before you will receive good results. These concepts are many times using patterns that sound great but are either completely new to a student or difficult to play on their instrument. I think right off the bat students realize how unique and interesting these sounds are but they do take a bit of practice to yield good results. It is best to have patience as you begin your work with these courses.
Applying the Pitch Class Set Information
It is also a good idea to apply the pitch class set melodies that you are learning to various musical settings. You can use the Jam Tracks or try putting them into music that you usually improvise over. This will help you to make music out of these ideas.
Adding Phrasing, Embellishment and Rhythmic Variety to Pitch Class Sets
Since many of the melodies found in these books lack phrasing, embellishment and rhythmic variety it is important to add these important musical elements into any musical phrase you want to use with real music. If you are unsure of all the ways that this can be done taking a look at the One Minute Lessons will really help you to make each melody more organic and musical.
Pitch Class Set Theory and Practice Course Bundle
Buying all the courses in the Pitch Class Set Theory and Practice Course would normally cost you $90.00 USD. Get all courses for 39.99 with the Special Bundle Price Below.
Music Education Genealogy Chart
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