One Minute Lesson Phrasing
The One Minute Lesson Series
These “One Minute Lessons” cover many of the topics I discuss with my private students. These conversations sometimes arise because a student asks me about a certain subject but more often it’s because I hear a weakness in their playing or musical perception. The “One Minute Lesson” is not meant to be an exhaustive study; of any particular subject rather it is an insight into one subject that is sometimes small, sometimes big but always important. At the outset you should realize that some of these “One Minute Lessons” have much more content than others depending on the subject. This variance in the amount of material supplied in a “One Minute Lesson” is usually caused by the subject presented. Sometimes additional PDFs with specific exercises and MP3s and Midi files will be supplied to help a student master a particular subject but other times it might just be a lesson where I’m nudging a student to keep something important in mind or refine their understanding of something they might know but not completely understand. In general I think these “One Minute Lessons” should be watched every few years as you work on your musical skills because different subjects will become important to your development at different times.
Again, just to clarify The “One Minute Lesson”will always contain a video that is approximately one minute in length. Each “One Minute Lesson” will also always contain a PDF. Sometimes additional PDFs, MP3s and Midi files will also be given if there are exercises that relate to the subject at hand.
There will be “One Minute Lesson” videos on many subjects.
Each “One Minute Lesson” topic will be available as an individual download or as a bundle. The Bundle is the most economical way to purchase these “One Minute Lessons.” You can choose a quick link below to read about each “One Minute Lesson.”
Here is a breakdown of currently available “One Minute Lessons”: Click on a title to go directly to the topic.
One Minute Lesson “Phrasing” Bundle
One Minute Lesson “Phrasing” Bundle
The One Minute Lesson “Phrasing” Bundle contains eleven one minute lessons and is the most cost effective way to purchase these lessons. Below is a list of the titles for these eleven “One Minute Lessons.” If you would like to learn about the specifics of each video or wish to only purchase a single download please click on the individual titles.
- Phrasing 1: Starting Melodies on Different Beats
- Phrasing 2: Adding Tags to Ends of Melodies
- Phrasing 3: Using Rests
- Phrasing 4: Varying Rhythms Within a Melody
- Phrasing 5: How to Start a Melody
- Phrasing 6: Legato and Staccato Playing
- Phrasing 7: Using Dynamics
- Phrasing 8: Style
- Phrasing 9: Varying the Direction of a Melody
- Phrasing 10: Changing the Octave of Your Melody
- Phrasing 11: Macro Phrasing
Phrasing refers to the expressive shaping of a melody. Effective phrasing has many characteristic components which make a successful and beautiful musical statement. Having the ability to improvise or compose great phrases usually takes years to develop. These videos will certainly help you understand the components of great phrasing and help you master this important musical concept.
Get One Minute Lesson Phrasing Bundle download today!
ISBN 978-1-59489-617-0
Eleven Videos with PDFs. Some also contain MP3s and Midi files
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
One Minute Lesson: Phrasing Individual Downloads
One Minute Lesson Phrasing 1: Starting Melodies on Different Beats
This One Minute Lesson on Starting Melodies on Different Beats gives you a Video, PDF and two MP3s/Midi files. The Lesson concentrates on one technique that helps a student start their melodies on different beats. Learning this skill is one of the most important ways to vary your phrases. The exercise given in this video does wonders for helping students break out of their phrasing rut.
ISBN 978-1-59489-618-7
Video, PDF and two MP3s/Midi files
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Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
One Minute Lesson Phrasing 2: Adding Tags to Ends of Melodies
Adding melodic fragments or tags to the end of melodies is one of the most commonly used techniques by great improvisers and composers. This subject is seldom discussed and the technique is highly dependent on the musical phrase so generalizations are not easy. This One Minute Lesson gives you some examples of different types of tags and makes suggestions on how you can implement the use of this important feature of a good musical phrase.
ISBN 978-1-59489-619-4
Video, PDF and two MP3/Midi files
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Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
One Minute Lesson Phrasing 3: Using Rests
The use of rests in a musical phrase is one of the most important factors in making a beautiful melody. Beginning improvisers and composers almost always have problems with not adding enough rests into their melodies. It is also a common problem with instrumentalist who don’t have to use their breath to play their instrument. This One Minute Lesson discusses these issues and presents one method to help you start adding rests into your melodic lines.
ISBN 978-1-59489-620-0
Video, PDF and five MP3s/Midi files
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Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
One Minute Lesson Phrasing 4: Varying Rhythms Within a Melody
Varying the rhythms that you use within your melodies is crucial to their success. Students who have this problem usually require many different exercises to solve these holes in their musicianship. This video talks about some of the solutions in general and gives you recommendations of muse-eek books to use to make you more rhythmic aware. An exercise is also presented to help develop a general understanding of the many different ways a beat can be subdivided.
ISBN 978-1-59489-621-7
Video, PDF and two MP3s/Midi files
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Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
One Minute Lesson Phrasing 5: How to Start a Melody
There are an incredible number of ways to start a melody yet many inexperienced improvisers and composers lack the variation needed to initiate a great solo or a great piece of music. The way you begin your musical phrases also in large part determines your style and ultimately your signature sound which defines you as an individual artist. The video and PDF discuss these issues and offers some advice on a few aspects of this large and complicated subject.
ISBN 978-1-59489-622-4
Video and PDF no MP3s or Midi files
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Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
One Minute Lesson Phrasing 6: Legato and Staccato Playing
Varying the articulation within a phrase helps to give it diversity and character. This video addresses note lengths and gives you exercises to diversify this important technique. These exercises are applied to scales but can be transferred to any musical figure therefore making them applicable over a wide variety of practice.
ISBN 978-1-59489-623-1
Video, PDF and three MP3s/Midi files
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Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
One Minute Lesson Phrasing 7: Using Dynamics
Dynamics within a whole improvisation, composition or melodic phrase give drama and greater expression to music. This video discusses this commonly overlooked aspect of music and offers a few exercises to instill dynamics into your playing and practicing.
ISBN 978-1-59489-624-8
Video, PDF and 3 MP3/Midi files
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Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
One Minute Lesson Phrasing 8: Style
Phrasing is the backbone of any style of music and each style of music has its set of commonly used phrasing techniques. This video discusses some of the macro differences between styles based on an underlying rhythmic pulse and gives you a listening list to help you gain first hand knowledge. This video also helps you to understand the proper rhythmic level to use when writing music in various styles.
ISBN 978-1-59489-625-5
Video, PDF no MP3 or Midi files
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Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
One Minute Lesson Phrasing 9: Varying the Direction of a Melody
Varying the direction of a melody will free it up to grow, quite literally. There are many techniques that can be practiced to help create diverse melodic directions within your phrases. This video discusses some common aspects of varying the direction of phrases and gives you exercises looking at the variations that a three or four note melody can create through permutation. These melodic permutations open the door to an endless number of practice regimens that could be derived from these ideas.
ISBN 978-1-59489-626-2
Video, PDF and two MP3/Midi files
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Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
One Minute Lesson Phrasing 10: Changing the Octave of Your Melody
Changing the octave or range that a melody covers can add excitement and interest. This technique is also important in creating a more modern angular melodic line. This video discusses this in general and the PDF gives you a more advanced exercise in the form of short melodic lines containing octave displacements using the twelve three note pitch class sets. These exercises can greatly help an instrumentalist to create a larger range within their melodies and gain control over more angular melodic shapes. A list of all possible chord types that these melodic lines can be used over is included which will allow you apply these melodies in many different stylistic situations.
ISBN 978-1-59489-627-9
Video, PDF and 12 MP3/Midi files
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Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
One Minute Lesson Phrasing 11: Macro Phrasing
Macro Phrasing is crucial to the overall structural success of a composition or solo. This video discusses this issue and also offers a common assignment I give my students to work on building a solo. This assignment is meant for an advanced/intermediate to advanced student.
ISBN 978-1-59489-628-6
Video, PDF and 12 MP3/Midi files
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Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
- What people are saying:
- I got an advance peek at a few of the One Minute Lessons and I think it’s a great idea. I’ve studied with other teachers, and so often it’s the little chats and insights you have at a lesson that stay with you and influence you in years to come. Just the few that I looked at seem to have exactly that kind of feeling. Keep them coming! C. Colemam
- These One Minute Lessons vary greatly in the amount of content and direction. Some are meant just to poke you and say “Hey remember this its important” and others hit you over the head like a ton of bricks. W. Branker
- I’m a beginning guitarist and found many of these videos for “phrasing” useful because I am just getting started with improvisation. Some of these are way over my head but as it says you should come back to these videos every few years so some will be on my “to do” list in a few years. G. Anderson