New York Guitar Method Primer Book Two
New York Guitar Method Primer Book Two.
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Looking for the perfect guitar method?
New York Guitar Method Primer Book 2 continues on the path toward taking an intermediate student to becoming a professional guitarist and covers the foundations of Blues, Rock, Jazz and Folk. In is highly recommend you start with New York Guitar Method Primer Book One so that you don’t miss any information. Remember each NYGM is packed with information usually not contained in most method books.
If you are looking at New York Guitar Method Primer Book Two as a possible method book as yourself:
- Do I want a serious method that will give me professional level ability on the guitar?
- Do I want to finally understand every thing about modes and scales and how they are related?
- Do I want to learn all the chords that a professional guitarist needs to know?
- Do I want to clear up any misunderstandings about music theory?
- Do I want to understand “diatonic chords” and why they are crucial to building great chord progressions?
- Do I want a method that comes with a companion “ensemble book” for applying all the information you are learning, so you remember it?
- Do I want a unique method for learning and applying music theory directly to the guitar fretboard?
If this is what you want for your playing, then this book will get you organized and heading straight toward becoming a professional musician.
Please Note: We also highly recommend that you also work with the Guitar Technique and Physiology Course so that you learn to play with the proper technique. This course gives you a comprehensive approach to playing guitar.
New York Guitar Method Primer Book Two gives you detailed information on:
New York Guitar Method Primer Book 2 will also take you through simple targeted exercises that apply commonly used scales directly to the guitar.
- You’ll take a serious look at learning and memorizing the following scales:
- Major
- Dorian
- Phrygian
- Lydian
- Mixolydian
- Aeolian
- Locrian
- Major Pentatonic
- Minor Pentatonic
- Blues
Secret Cycle 5 system of learning help you remember chords.
A special “Cycle 5” system is employed to help you memorize chords and learn the fret board in a logical and lasting way
- The Barre Chords for the following thirteen different chord types are included:
- Major 7th
- Minor 7th
- Dominant 7th
- Minor7b5
- Dom7sus4
- Diminished7
- MinorMajor7
- Major7#11
- Major7#5
- Dominant7b5
- Dominant7#5
- Major 6th
- Minor 6th
That’s a lot of chords to remember, but simple chord progressions are given to help you apply these newly learned chords, and to help you to memorize each chord in all keys.
Music theory exercises that really work by applying the knowledge directly to your guitar fretboard.
And if you finally want to understand music theory and achieve a natural balance where you just “see” the music theory relationships on your guitar fretboard with little or no mental energy, then the unique exercises presented will help you see all chord and arpeggio relationships instantly on the guitar.
You will also learn about diatonic chords, so that you understand:
- How scales and chords are interrelated.
- The “secret code” to understanding how songs are composed.
- Which chords sound good together to make your own songs.
- How arpeggios can be used over chords and chord progressions.
New York Guitar Method Primer Two Demystifies Music
This is a no-nonsense method that demystifies music and gives you the tools to understand how modern music is organized. Along with all this information you will also get free access to the muse-eek.com “member’s area” where you can watch and download hundreds of files to help you learn.
Help is an email away.
But what if you don’t understand something about the book or need further advice would you like someone to answer your questions?
Mr. Arnold is famous for his in-depth email communications with students. These emails range from recommendations on what books are the right fit for a student to specific aspects of a book that a student finds confusing. Remember it only takes one thing that you don’t understand to stop the whole process of learning. If you run into problems just email Bruce and he will get you back of track. What other author does that?
Guitar chords and chord progressions:
Both Open and Barre Positions for Major, Minor, and Dominant Chords with videos showing common problems student have in playing these chords.
Below is a video showing you some of the common problems found with a C Major Chord.
10 graduated chord progressions to apply newly learned chords with 30 MP3s links per chord progression. These MP3s allow the student to hear the chord progression and slowly develop speed and dexterity. Each chord progression contains 3 different strumming styles using the hard rock, rock, folk, blues and country styles.
Here is a couple of examples of MP3s that can be played or downloaded to help you learn each chord progression
Many great books in one!
New York Guitar Method in many cases is a compilation of other Muse Eek Publications. Many books have been excerpted to form this series. In the case of NYGM Primer Book One you will additional content has been taken from:
- Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume One.
- Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume Two.
- Chord Workbook for Guitar Volume One.
The New York Guitar Method is an unmatched series of book covering all the things you need to become a world class guitarist.
By combining both the theoretical and practical application this series of books gives you everything you need to become a great guitarist. Get a consistent education by working through the entire New York Guitar Method series.
- Additional Information:
- Digital Edition 978-1-59489-861-7
- Physical IBSN: 978-1-59489-915-7
- 151 pages and many additional free files and videos in our member’s area
- What people are saying:
- I own quite a few Muse Eek Books. The New York Guitar Method Primer Book Two takes some info from Music Theory Workbook for Guitar One and Two and some of the chords from Chord Workbook for Guitar. In my opinion if you are going to work with the NYGM books skip buying the Music Theory Books the complete books are contained within the Primer One, Two and NYGM V1 books. Chord Workbook on the other hand has a whole section in the back of the book for “Rhythm Changes” and reading chord voicings that in my opinion is worth owning as a separate book. It’s also much easier to look up a chord with CW1 because you have all the chords in one book. If you want to look up a chord in NYGM it could be found in a number of books. What I have enjoyed about the NYGM series is the logical progression it gives you. You can go and buy a bunch of Muse Eek Books but unless you contact Mr. Arnold and get a practice plan (Not a bad idea I did that) you won’t be sure how to organize all the material. NYGM does it for you so that’s a plus in my opinion. Muse Eek’s claim that the NYGM will take you crayons to perfume is true. I’m 55 years old and getting back to the guitar of my youth. This series really helped me fill in all the holes and get the confidence I needed to play again. A. Cox
- I own MT1 and MT2 and still got this book because it contains the information on diatonic chords. I’m a song writer and learning what chords go together is crucial to composing songs. This book is worth it just for that information. I also got the NYGM Primer 2 Ensemble book which helped me learn how to write out rhythms. I needed that to submit my music to be copyrighted so if that is something you need to do then get the ensemble book too. G. Simmons
- Great book! I found the extra scale patterns what Mr. A calls Modal Sequences to be very useful in my soloing. I was getting stuck with just playing up and down the scale and these scale patterns really helped me break out of that rut. I already new most of the chords basically it’s all your barre chords though the cycle 5 thing really helped me to memorize the chords in every key so that was useful. Overall I was happy with the book and would recommend it if you are a advanced beginner or intermediate with issues. P. Stacy.
- I’ve been working through the whole NYGM series. I wouldn’t recommend it if you are just a gut guitarist that neither wants nor feel you need a knowledge of what they are playing. For me I started feeling like a parrot after awhile. I could play solos and chords but had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Got me into some pretty embarrassing situations too so I said @uck it I’m going to get my @hit together. Luckily these books were available to help me out! F. Edwards.
Whether you are a total beginner or an advanced guitarist there is a book in this series that is perfect for you. GET STARTED TODAY!
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
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