New York Guitar Method Primer Book One
New York Guitar Method Primer Book One
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Beginning Guitar
Are you just beginning guitar and looking for the best all-around beginning guitar method to start out with?
- Have you just purchased a guitar and want the most in-depth, concise beginning guitar method available to put you on the right path?
- Do you want to learn some classic rock and folk chord progressions that sound great an that aren’t your typical “campfire tunes?”
- Do you want to see the bigger picture by learning about the building blocks of music?
- Do you want to learn how to memorize chords more quickly so you are ready to play with others?
- Do you want video files so you can see how to play each exercise properly?
- Do you want to make sure you are physically playing the guitar correctly so you develop good technique?
- Do you have problems with rhythm and coordination?
- Are you tired of searching the internet for answers to your questions about beginning guitar?
- Would hearing the chord progressions you want to learn help you learn faster?
- Do you want to learn an easy way to play scales and then graduate to a method that covers the scale all over the neck in one book?
- Do you want a method that is great for a beginning guitar but also supplies you with additional material to inspire you and make you reach for the next level?
Search no further. The New York Guitar Method Series is structured to enable a total beginner to learn the tools necessary to become a master musician from the ground up.
Please Note: If you are just beginning guitar we highly recommend that you also work with the Guitar Technique and Physiology Course so that you learn to play with the proper technique. This course gives you a comprehensive approach to playing guitar.
New York Guitar Method Primer Book One gives you detailed information on:
- Care of the Guitar.
- Holding the Guitar, illustrated by multiple pictures and videos.
- How to use a Guitar Pick, illustrated by multiple pictures and videos.
- Tuning the Guitar, illustrated by multiple mp3 help files.
- Notes found on the Guitar including a chart showing the location of all notes on the guitar.
- Music theory written in simple terms with videos to clarify each subject.
- Nuts and Bolts of Rhythm with mp3 files to hear each of the rhythms presented.
- 10 Scales with easy to read fingerings.
- 10 graduated chord progressions to apply newly learned chords with 30 MP3s links per chord progression. These MP3s allow the student to hear the chord progression and slowly develop speed and dexterity. Each chord progression contains 3 different strumming styles using the hard rock, rock, folk, blues and country styles.
- Direct application Music Theory exercises to help you memorize how chords are built and where you find the notes on the fretboard.
- In-depth explanation of scales and how they are built using two different methods.
- Beginner sight reading examples to help you learn to read music.
- All the chords you need to play most songs.
- Access to the muse-eek.com “member’s area” where you can watch and download hundreds of files to help you learn.
Do you want a series of books that provide you with additional videos, MP3s and midifiles to help you ingrain the information each step along the way?
If the answer is YES then New York Guitar Method Primer Book One is exactly what you have been looking for in you are beginning guitar.
New York Guitar Method Primer Book One is the first in a series of books that help you learn in whatever way is best for you. Whether you learn best by reading notation, reading diagrams, watching videos or listening to audio this beginning guitar method will help you LEARN.
But what if you don’t understand something about the book or need further advice– would you like someone to answer your questions?
Mr. Arnold is well known for his insightful email communications with students. These emails range from recommendations on which books are the right fit for a student and how to set up a practice regimen, to explaining specific aspects of a book that a student finds confusing. Remember it only takes one thing that you don’t understand to stop or divert the whole process of learning. If you run into problems just email Bruce and he will get you back on track. What other author does that?
Guitar chords and chord progressions:
Both Open and Barre Positions for Major, Minor, and Dominant Chords with videos showing common problems student have in playing these chords.
Below is a video showing you some of the common problems found with a C Major Chord.
[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket=”media.muse-eek.com” track=”videos/C_major_root.mp4″ aspect=”16:9″ autoplay=”false” download=”false”/]
10 graduated chord progressions to apply newly learned chords with 30 MP3s links per chord progression. These MP3s allow the student to hear the chord progression and slowly develop speed and dexterity. Each chord progression contains 3 different strumming styles using the hard rock, rock, folk, blues and country styles.
Get the scale knowledge you need!
- 10 of the most important scales are included with fingerings. These scales include:
- Major
- Dorian
- Phrygian
- Lydian
- Mixolydian
- Aeolian
- Locrian
- Major Pentatonic
- Minor Pentatonic
- Blues
Many great books in one!
New York Guitar Method contains some carefully selected sections of other Muse Eek Publications, and as such can be called a compilation. Various books have been excerpted to form this series; in the case of NYGM Primer Book One you will find content that has been taken from:
- 1st Steps for a Beginning Guitarist.
- Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volume One.
The New York Guitar Method is an unmatched series of book covering all the things you need to become a world class guitarist.
By combining both theoretical and practical application this series of books gives you all the tools you need to become a great guitarist. You will get a consistent and thorough education by working through the entire New York Guitar Method series. If you are just beginning guitar this is exactly where you should start.
- Additional Information:
- Digital Edition 978-1-59489-860-0
- Physical IBSN: 978-1-59489-911-9
- 186 pages and many additional free files and videos in our member’s area
- Please note: New York Guitar Method Primer Book One contains all of the content of 1st Steps for a Beginning Guitarist which is also an excellent beginning guitar book.
- What people are saying:
- New York Guitar Method is the most complete series of guitar educational books I’ve ever encountered. From my “talks” with Mr. Arnold via email this series of books is his attempt to make sure beginners get everything they need to achieve their goals. I started in as an intermediate guitarist with a lot of holes in my playing that I didnt even know about. Mr. Arnold started me with the Primer One Book, even though I thought I was more advanced than that. But there was a ton of stuff I learned about music theory, and get this– how I was holding the guitar wrong! I’d go as far as saying that if I had continued to play in that position, I might have tendonitis by now and that alone is a life saver. B. Michaels
- IMHO this is a very good introductory book. It covers numerous aspects from how to hold a guitar, pluck notes, using a pick, left and right hand position and even music theory. It also has sight reading exercises and basic chord progressions. It improved my nonexistent ability to read notes and identify rhythmic patterns. It is meant to prepare a beginner for the rest of the series (New York Guitar Method books 1 & 2) which can get pretty advanced. What I particularly like about it is that the information is presented as exercises that you first think about, then write on the staff and also tab, then play it on the guitar, so you are learning on multiple levels. I found the sight reading exercises and some of the theory to be difficult for a complete novice (like me), but there is a contact email address to members so you can ask questions from the author. M. Martz
- Brillant book and series! Being someone who lives “in the sticks” and has no chance of studying with a teacher in the city these books are a godsend. Not meant for the slacker though, these books keep you working! T. Littlebury
- I ran into Bruce Arnold’s books a few years ago. If you’re like me you are struck by how different they are than most other publications. This whole idea of serious music education with direct support from the author is so great and hopefully will become the new norm. For myself it has completely transformed me as a musician. In those cases where I’m really stuck Mr. Arnold has answered my questions straight away, one time within seconds. Makes me wonder if he ever sleeps ;-) It’s really quite amazing. I recommend it if you really want a top notch music education and the kind of encouragement that really helps. T. Gibbs.
- Great Book! Nice to learn some songs that aren’t “Row Row Row your boat.” Book contains a nice amount of theory, rhythm, technique information but doesn’t force it on you. I just started with the chord progressions and skipped all the other stuff. B. Saunders.<
- Total beginner here. Just got the guitar and purchased this book. You certainly can’t argue that this book is short on information. The “Quick Start” page really helped me to first understand I didn’t have to start at the beginning of the book. I used the TOC to look up some chords and start playing some progressions. As my questions started popping up I used the TOC to help me find answers. Now that I got a few chord progressions under my belt which by the way sound great I’m working on the theory and learning some scales to noodle around with which is really fun. The online support for this book is huge. Literally hundreds and hundreds of files, Ive downloaded just a few MP3s so far to play along with. What I’m getting at is that it’s not just a book because there is so much stuff online too. E. Adams.
This book is perfect for the beginning Guitarist and the whole New York Guitar Method Series will take you a professional level guitarist so GET STARTED TODAY!
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
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