
New York Guitar Method Ensemble Volume Two

New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book Two

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.

New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book Two

is the companion book for New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book One

If you have already purchased New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book One you know that these books are seriously going to get your guitar playing to a higher level. New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book Two continues these successfully proven exercises with more advanced odd meter rhythm exercises, chromatic fretboard knowledge études, upper four string guitar chord progressions and exercises. Each of the 24 chapters also demonstrates through études how to use approach notes. Have you always wondered what all those chromatic notes are that you hear when guitarists aren’t playing scales and arpeggios? Wonder no more. These études will show you 24 different ways to apply these approach note figures so you can understand what advanced rock and jazz players are doing. These time tested exercises are highly targeted and with a short 1/2 hour commitment each day you can truly transform your guitar playing.

Learn About Approach Note uses:

Approach notes are a completely different type of improvisation and composition method. New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book Two gives you:

  • 24 chapters that demonstrate through études how to use approach notes.
  • Odd meter rhythm exercises.
  • Eighth and Sixteenth Note rhythm exercises.
  • Upper four string guitar chord progressions with exercises.
  • Single String Exercises to perfect your knowledge of the guitar fretboard.
  • Classical études from Bach and Mozart.

New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book Two is geared for use as an ensemble book. It gives you:

  • Arrangements for four guitars using the jazz standard “Rhythm Changes.”
  • Written duets in the Bebop style.
  • Chord Progressions that students can play chords while others solo.
  • Rhythm exercises which can be played as single notes, or if the student is creative, as chord progressions.
  • Multi-part classical pieces that develop a high level of accuracy within an ensemble situation.

Bringing together many Muse Eek Books into one to raise your musicianship

New York Guitar Method books contain carefully selected, relevant excerpts from other Muse Eek Publications, making each book a kind of compilation. In the case of New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book Two additional content has been taken from:

  • Rhythms Volume One
  • Rhythms Volume Two
  • Odd Meters
  • Chord Workbook for Guitar Volume Two
  • Single String Studies for Guitar Volume Two

The New York Guitar Method is an unmatched series of book covering all the things you need to become a world class guitarist.

By combining both theoretical and practical applications, this series of books gives you everything you need to become a great guitarist. You will get a comprehensive education by working through the entire New York Guitar Method series.

For the advanced guitarist New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book Two will challenge you on many levels, GET STARTED TODAY!

Status: In stock,.Digital book is available for immediate access.

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