New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book One
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New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book One is the companion book for the New York Guitar Method Volume One.
- New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book One is your ultimate resource for:
- Applying the 22 most used scales in improvisation.
- Developing your rhythm skills.
- Making the guitar fret board second nature.
- Learning how to connect music staff notation to your fret board knowledge.
- Learning the ledger line notes.
- Common ii V I chord progressions in both major and minor keys that wil open up your jazz playing..
- A logical system of playing chords so that your chords sound smooth and not disjointed.
- Learning how to keep the form with more complicated chord progressions.
- Learning to solo over difficult chord progressions.
- Applying the 3 ways a dominant chord can resolve through chord progression examples.
- Practicing reading complex chord charts.
- Exercises to understand chord tones and available tensions so that you see the logic behind how chords are built.
- Practicing sight reading both chord symbols and 4 and 5 note chord voicings.
- Learning how to reharmonize a blues and minor blues in all 12 keys.
- Completing your knowledge of all the chords with roots on the low E and A string that a professional musician must know.
- A logical system for mastering all professional chord voicings through direct application to 24 chord progressions.
- Developing your sight reading skills to a professional level.
Each of the 24 chapters takes you through a series of exercises to improve all these crucial aspects of your guitar playing, and also tests you with classical études from Corelli, Bach, Beethoven and Haydn. These time tested exercises are highly targeted and with a short 1/2 hour commitment each day you can truly transform your guitar playing. As Joe Satriani says “If you are going to study, study with a jazz player.” This book is the next best thing and will improve your:
- Rhythm.
- Time.
- Recognition of musical form.
- Fret board knowledge.
- Understanding of the application of 22 different scales .
- Ability to master hard chord progressions.
- Improvisation with 22 different scales.
- Scale application to common chord progressions.
Midi files and other audio files available to help you learn.
Improve your accuracy and have a lot more fun practicing when you can hear the exercises played with tempo controllable midi files or MP3s in some cases.
And other additional information to help you learn.
This includes:
- Extensive section on understanding rhythm notation.
- Straight Eighth vs. Swing Eighth Note Feel.
- Rhythmic Notation which is crucial to reading any chart.
- Beat Reading: the Secret Weapon for learning how to read ahead in music.
Don’t miss out on this information which in many cases can’t be found anywhere but in this book.
Want to be a monster musician? New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book One will help you get there.
Bringing many Muse Eek Books together to raise your musicianship
The New York Guitar Method Series contains carefully selected excerpts from other Muse Eek Publications. In the case of New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book One additional content has been taken from:
- Rhythm Primer
- Rhythms Volume One
- Rhythms Volume Two
- Chord Workbook for Guitar Volume One
- Single String Studies for Guitar Volume One
New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book One is an unmatched series of book covering all the things you need to become a world class guitarist.
By combining both theoretical and practical applications this series of books gives you everything you need to become a great guitarist. Get a consistent and comprehensive education by working through the entire The New York Guitar Method Series.
- Additional Information:
- Digital Edition 978-1-59489-864-8
- 491 pages and many additional free files and videos in our member’s area
- What people are saying:
- My teacher recommended New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book One to prepare for being a performance major at college. That turned out to be some of the best advice I ever received. I’m nailing the ensembles and got into some of the top bands. Reading is crucial in college and if I want to have a shot at a professional career in music. The ensemble book was terrific for getting my reading chops happening. Let’s get honest sight reading isn’t exactly the most interesting thing in the world, so the variety of exercises really helps even when the going gets tough. I totally recommend this if you are looking to improve your sight reading. M. Miles
- I purchased both the New York Guitar Method Volume One and the “New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book One”. The two books complement each other nicely. Each chapter of both books deals with one scale, so I worked 1 hour a day from both books. 24 weeks later I really feel like I KNOW scales. The articulation and modal sequencing info got me playing the scales in really cool ways too, so they aren’t just notes. I feel like I’m getting to be the guitarist I want to be. H. Czerny
- Mr. Arnold recommended I start with the “New York Guitar Method Volume One” and New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book One. I went to college for a few semesters and then dropped out, but I wanted to continue my music studies on my own terms. I wasn’t sure if I could even approach sounding like Metheny or Scofield, their ability is so awesome. These books have all the info I need to master scales and so far I am making real good progress. But as Mr. Arnold stated in an email to me. “Scales is just one way of many ways to improvise.” So I’m looking forward to moving on to The New York Guitar Method Volume Two which covers Approach Notes which Mr. Arnold calls the backbone of jazz lines. I think if you are a serious student of jazz or rock and want a complete education in music then the The New York Guitar Method series is a great place to start. And any questions about the books you can always shoot Bruce an email. Great system, great concept, get it you won’t be sorry. R. Johanssen.
- I started with the The New York Guitar Method series as a beginner. 2 years later I’m now starting New York Guitar Method Volume One with the New York Guitar Method Ensemble Book One too. I’m guessing this will take me about 1 year to get through the book. Some of it is a review. I’ve already played through 10 of the scales just have to get through the modes of melodic minor ascending and a few other scales. This series is well thought out and you can see why it’s used by so many musicians from every level. It’ll require a strong commitment on your part but if you have that then these books are excellent. A. Lopez.
Whether you are a total beginner or an advanced guitarist there is a book in The New York Guitar Method Series. that is perfect for you. GET STARTED TODAY!
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
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