Melodic Rotations 012345
Melodic Rotations 012345
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Melodic Rotations Learning to Improvise More Based on the Composition
Melodic Rotations 012345 is a course that teaches you how to bring more compositional elements into your improvisation; in other words, playing more off the melody of the song that you are improvising over. Improvisers frequently create these kinds of compositionally related melodies through permutation or rotation. There are three previously published books on permutating 2,3 and 4 note melodies in the Modal Sequencing series.
Permutation problems arise when you have a melody in which the main theme is more than four notes. In this situation the use of permutation gets out of hand pretty quickly. For instance, a six note melody has 720 permutations (or 8640 permutations if we consider octave transposition). In order to work with larger themes, rotations are used. For a six note melody there are only 6 rotations. This is a much more workable number for a musician to practice and gain fluidity with. Even with only six rotations the amount of exercises that can be derived is enormous. These rotations can be moved through various cycles; octave rotations can be used as well as many other types of exercises. So there are countless exercises in this course. Exercises are given using treble and bass clef plus there are bass clef versions for 5 and 6 string bass. Factor in all 17 different types of exercises, and you get a whopping 15,154 pages of exercises.
Melodic Rotations Six Half Step Melody
This course works with a melody that contains six half steps. While this note grouping might seem esoteric, I think you will find from playing through the examples found in this course that the melodies created are really useful and sound great! You will see as you look at the various ways to use rotations, that playing through them with various cycles, scales, octave rotations and other ideas only scratches the surface of the possible combinations. That said, this course is still thousands of pages long and should be thought of as a six month investigation into understanding and then beginning to use these ideas in your composing and improvisation. I’ve given representative examples of many of the ideas that can be found using rotations, however I certainly didn’t cover all combinations of this six note melody. But I think these examples will teach you some of the possible ways to organize and expand upon any melody you encounter.
Examples from the Melodic Rotations 012345 Course
All exercises found in the Melodic Rotations 012345 course have midi files included. This will allow you to not only hear the melodies but also check accuracy as you practice. A PDF is included that talks about each exercise and how it is organized as well as practice tips and application ideas to place these melodies into various musical situations. Whether you dive head first into these exercises right away or not, it is important that you understand the power of rotations which this course will supply. Not only will it give you an understanding of rotations but it can also be used as a sight reading and sight singing book. Reading or singing highly chromatic music is challenging and it is hard to find good exercises to master these kinds of melodies. This course gives you over 15K pages of exercises so it definitely gives you enough examples to master your ability in these areas.
Here are a few examples from the course. A complete list of the different types of exercises can also be found below.
Exercises Found in the Melodic Rotations 012345 Course:
- 6 Rotations of Six Note Melody
- Rotations Moving in Minor 2nds
- Rotations Moving in Major 2nds
- Rotations Moving in Minor 3rds
- Rotations Moving in Major 3rds
- Rotations Moving in Augmented 4ths
- Rotations Moving in Perfect 5ths
- Rotations Moving in Minor 3rds and Minor 2nds
- Rotations Approaching Major Scale
- Reduced Rotations Approaching Major Scale
- Rotations Into a Continuous Melody
- Rotation Permutation of Six Half Steps
- Reduced Rotation Permutation
- Octave Rotating
- Chords Contained Within Each Rotation
- 6 Rotations in Minor 3rds
- Alternate Melody Using Same Six Notes
- Other Melodic Combinations Using Same Six Notes
- Rotations of Alternate Six Note Melody
- Rotations of Alternate Six Note Melody Moving in Minor 3rds
Get Melodic Rotations 012345 Today!
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Additional Information for Melodic Rotations 012345:
- Digital Edition 978-1-59489-329-2
- One PDF explaining exercises, 17 different types of exercises, 15,154 pages of exercises in PDF format
- Midi files for all exercises.
What people are saying:
Thanks Bruce! Really dig the rotations applied to a major scale. I can use that immediately everywhere. R. Gersen
Another massive course from Muse Eek. I had never thought about or knew about rotations. Just reading the PDF has my head spinning with ideas. My favorites are the rotations moving in minor 3rds. I can’t wait to apply those to a Blues progression to hear how well they work over a dominant chord. Thanks!! L. Radison
I’ve been using these exercises for sight singing. It’s hard to find chromatic melodies to sing and this course has them in spades. Highly recommend! O. Burg
I’m a 5 and 6 string bass player and if you are the same you know how hard it is to find music that takes into consideration the full range of these instruments. This course is terrific for learning to read on the 5 and 6 string bass. Read: ledger lines!!!! It also really prepares you for remembering accidentals throughout a measure. I can already feel my playing and reading improving as I work through! H. Malaney