Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Standard Ear Training V1
Practice Perfect Applied Applied Jazz Standard Ear Training V1
Exercises for Applied Jazz Standard Ear Training V1 is part of a three course series that gets your ear working with actual jazz standard repertoire. These three courses are the first of a kind that take you from rote exercises for contextual ear training and use real music to improve your recognition. They work great! But they are also challenging and you will find each volume in this series gets progressively harder. Jazz Standard Ear Training V1 starts you with very simple Jazz standards that most students learn as they start to work on playing Jazz. That is great, because of you can combine your learning of this music with your hearing of this music it’s a winning combination.
If you are completely new to listening to or playing Jazz standards then along with working with the exercises we also recommend you just passively listen to these songs everyday. This will help your mind acclimate to hearing a set of chord changes in one key just by repeated listening. That said, give yourself time and have a bundle of patience because Jazz standards are much more complicated that your three chord rock tune and it will take time for your ear to adjust. But at least now you have a system build into these courses to help you reach your goals!
Get Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Applied Jazz Standard Ear Training V1 Today!
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Jazz Standard Ear Training Series Bundle All Three Volumes for $64.99
What is Practice Perfect?
The Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Ear Training Series of books provides multiple ways for a musician to hone their ear training skills through exercises that use real music. That is, these exercises place a musician in a real live music situation simulating the contexts most associated with performance.
If you are new to the Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Ear Training Series of books. We recommend you first work with both the Ear Training One Note Complete and Contextual Ear Training Course. These will help you to hear notes within a key center which is the entire approach to our ear training courses.
The Applied Jazz Ear Training Series includes the following kinds of exercises:
- Examples of common chord progressions found in the jazz lexicon with Piano, Bass and Drums. Both interpreted and semi-strict interpretations are included.
- Exercises where you only hear the bass playing the chord changes while you are prompted to sing or guess notes within the key center.
- Just the piano playing the changes, with or without a key center drone and then prompted to sing or guess notes within the key center.
This course is structured for beginning to advanced students. The Jazz Standards vary from simple to highly complex and cover Major and Minor key centers.
Additional Materials found in the Applied Jazz Standard Ear Training Course
This course also contains the exercises above as well as a video for each chord progression
Examples of the Audio Tracks Found on Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Standard Ear Training Volume One
Keep in mind that for each exercise there are either a Soprano, Alto and Tenor voice used sing the answer. There are 240 exercises found in this course. A total of 10 common jazz standard chord progressions are presented. There are various examples of all three of these below:
Excerpts from Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Standard Ear Training Volume One
Progression plays a brief drone during the count off to establish the key center. There are 10 common jazz standard chord progressions presented below. See if you can guess which tune it is! :) Each chord progression gives you 12 listening and 12 singing exercises. You will find one of these examples for each of the 10 chord progressions below:
- Singing Exercise With Soprano Voice
- Listening Exercise at Medium Tempo
- Singing Exercise with Bass Only and Alto Voice
- Singing Exercise with Drone and Soprano Voice
- Listening Exercise With Drone at Fast Tempo
- Singing Exercise with Bass Only and Tenor Voice
- Singing Exercise With Tenor Voice
- Listening Exercise at Medium Tempo
- Singing Exercise with Alto Voice
- Singing Exercise with Tenor Voice
Get Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Standard Ear Training Volume One Today!
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Get All Three Volumes of the Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Applied Jazz Standard with the Bundle
Jazz Standard Ear Training Series Bundle All Three Volumes for $64.99
Additional Information
- ISBN: 978-1-59489-309-4
- 4 page PDF giving ideas and suggestions for practice.
- Singing and Listening MP3s 240 in Total
- 10 Videos
What people are saying:
I’ve been waiting for this series for a long time. I’m totally on board with Mr. Arnold’s concept that if you can hear a chord progression all in one key you can hear the harmony and melody much easier. These exercises are exactly what I need to reach that goal! J. Wilson
These Practice Perfect courses are excellent. I started with the 10 Volumes that cover various styles, then I progressed to the Blues, Minor Blues and Rhythm Changes. Some of which are still hard for me but I’m super excited to actually start working on many of the Jazz standards that I already know by heart but haven’t gone through them to really hear them. Thanks Bruce this is great! E. Toms
Applying my One Note Ear Training skills to real music should be anyone’s goal. These Practice Perfect courses are really helping. I feel my ear growing everyday. I. Drake
Thanks Bruce, This is exactly what I needed!! L. Evans