Jazz and Blues Bass Lines by Bruce Arnold for Muse Eek Publishing Company

Jazz and Blues Bass Lines


Bass lines are one of the most important aspects of music.

Understanding how to play and build them is crucial for any instrumentalist not just bassists. Jazz and Blues Bass lines will show you all the info you need to get started. So if you want to:

  • Learn some simple bass lines to get your through a Blues or Jazz gig?
  • Learn the building blocks of making great bass lines not just learn a bunch of notes by memory where you have no idea what you playing?
  • Hear the bass lines you are learning played by a great bass player so you can hear what they sound like?
  • Learn to read music on the bass to expand your gigging possibilities?
  • Practice your bass clef reading?
  • Develop bass line skills so you can accompany another instrument?

If these are the things you are looking for then this book is exactly right for you. This book is a high potency method for a bass guitarist or any instrumentalist who is seeking develop interesting and intriguing bass lines.

Learn one of the main secrets of playing great bass lines.

There are many possible ways to construct jazz bass lines. This book explores one of those possible ways in depth. The method is built upon the use of chord tones, approach notes and basic re-harmonization techniques.

Three forms common to the jazz idiom are used to explore this method; the Blues, Minor Blues and Rhythm Changes. A detailed explanation of the components of building a bass line note by note is included as well as an explanation of the theory behind basic re-harmonization.

This book also contains a section on the proper scale to use for each chord, with all chord types including available tensions and avoid notes. With that information you can start building your own bass lines.

Have questions before buying or as you work through the book you can always ask the author Bruce Arnold to help you and make suggestions.

Play along with audio recordings to get the right feel.

The book includes 36 audio files played by the renowned bassist Steve Lucas. He plays each progression at a moderate tempo. All charts are written in standard notation (no TAB) so it will get you ready for your first studio session or hone your skills to capture any gig where reading is involved.

Here is an example of the Ab Blues MP3

[s3bubbleAudioSingle bucket=”media.muse-eek.com” track=”mp3/05_AbBlues.mp3″ autoplay=”false” download=”false” style=”plain” preload=”auto”/]

These bass line MP3s are also very useful if you put them into any audio program that can loop an audio file. i.e. Garageband etc… You can then use them as a jam track to work on playing chords or soloing over the bassline.

Master your Bassline playing Today!

Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.


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About Muse Eek

Muse-Eek Publishing Company is a publishing house with a broad focus on music education. Muse-Eek also publishes fine art and poetry books, and has its own record label, Muse-Eek Records. Our online presence, Muse-Eek.com specializes in the publication of music workbooks, video courses and sound and video recordings that teach the foundation of good musicianship through groundbreaking and innovative methods along with traditional methods that have been taught for centuries. These historic methods date back through centuries of great musicians and educators. To see these interesting relationship please see Bruce Arnold's Music Education Genealogy Chart which tells you a lot about the where many of his educational ideas took root and some of the educational pillars that are evident throughout the books you find on this website. The Muse-Eek Records catalogue contains a diverse selection of music much of it by Bruce Arnold in collaboration with some of today's best players in classical, jazz, rock and avant-garde music. These are available in CD, DVD and mp3 formats. We believe in a working relationship with our music education customers; they are free to interact with the author after purchasing a book to help them through any material they don’t understand or which they need further clarification. We also have a member's area which contains a wealth of free information to help a student understand music at a deeper level and access additional files for our books. Many of our books offer cutting edge ideas regarding ear training, guitar technique, rhythm and time. These methods have a proven track record. Our main author Bruce Arnold has taught at some of the most prestigious music schools in the world, including Princeton, Dartmouth, Berklee College of Music, New England Conservatory, The New School and NYU. Along with Mr. Arnold's publications on the Muse-eek.com website he has also written books and appeared in educational DVDs for MelBay and Truefire. Over the years Mr Arnold has used his experiences with his students to develop a program that can elevate a musician's ability to world class caliber. If you have questions about any of our books or recordings please send us an email. Along with general questions about either our record label or our publishing company we also welcome questions to help a student choose the proper materials to reach their goals. We have over 300 products to help you learn any style of music and to develop your musicianship to its peak. We also make recommendations for practice schedules for students who use our methods to get the most out of their study time. This, along with personal interaction with Bruce through email, nurtures the student's ability through a closely monitored situation, ensuring there is no wasted time or misunderstanding.