Hearing Chord Progressions
Do You Want to “Hear the Changes?”
Do you have trouble hearing chord changes? Would you also like to understand how these changes function in a key center so that you can improvise over them? Search no further – this course is exactly what you need.
This course will totally change your understanding of how to hear chord progressions!
Instrumental technique and ear training are closely related. Achieving great technique that enables you to truly express yourself is inseparable from properly internalizing the nature of a sound’s relationship to a key center. This course gives you the content to reach this goal.
Hearing Chord Progressions is one of the core courses of the Bruce Arnold System..
We call “Hearing Chord Progressions” a dual course because it develops the ability to hear tertial based chord changes while simultaneously improving instrumental technique. This course is the first in its kind in that it applies the Bruce Arnold System of Ear Training to hearing changes within a key center. It also takes the 13 most used tertial chord types through all possible cycles and the 96 possible permutations these chords. While not all students will need to work through all of these exercises I recommend at least sight reading through all études if you already have the ability to “hear” a specific exercise. There are many “Addendum” files with this course targeted for students who need further help.
A Course for Any Type of Music
Although this course deals with 7th chords keep in mind that it’s basic task is the teach you how to hear chord progressions within type of music regardless of style. The most important thing you will get from this course is an understanding of “how to hear music.” You can then apply it to anything from Classical Music to Jazz.
A Massive Course
This 4 gigabyte downloadable course (in 7 parts) is the first of its kind to really give you every possible movement of the basic 13 chord types through all degrees of a key center. It is also the definitive course on learning arpeggios. Here’s what you get:
- Instructions on how to develop the ability to hear chord progressions
- A new concept in ear training listening/singing MP3s.
- Études covering all 13 seventh chords through all possible harmonic cycles. 1109 pages of exercises!
- 132 Ear Training singing and listening MP3s
- MP3s and Midi files for all Cycle Études.
- The new Tuba MetroDrone® to create a key center and develop your time simultaneously! (24.99 when purchased separately)
- Extensive help files for students of all levels.
- MP3s and Midi files of all exercises.
Addendum Files
There is a 308 pages of additional files to help you if you need remedial work or want to work on advanced ear training studies. These files include:
- Basic Music Theory for any Instrumentalist. 13 Pages
- Basic Music Theory for any Guitarist. 14 Pages
- Excerpt from Guitar Arpeggio Lexicon (Gives you fingerings for arpeggios) 81 Pages
- Excerpt from Bass Guitar Arpeggio Lexicon (Gives you fingerings for arpeggios) 58 Pages
- Chord Tone and Tensions for 19 of the most used scales in improvisation. 4 Pages
- Diatonic Chord Progression in the key of C Major. 203 Pages
- Basic Two Bar Turnarounds in the Key of C Major. 8 Pages
- Example of applying arpeggios to the Jazz Standard “Confirmation.” 1 Page
1491 Pages of information
No rock is left unturned with this course. You have targeted exercises, cutting edge, ear training concepts, and études for all possible chord movement within a key center.
Awesome Sight Reading Material!
The 1109 page études section of this course is also perfect for sight reading. Since all the études content is based on the possible cycles and permutations of seventh chords, it is the definitive course in developing your sight reading skills for an arpeggiated line. The études also contain ledger lines in many places so this will help you master this commonly overlooked aspect of sight reading.
- How Does This Course Differ From Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Reading?
- You use a Tuba MetroDrone® to sing through the written exercises which builds Key Retention a technique you will need for further ear training studies.
- You are singing through extended exercises that are teaching you how to hear all four note chords within a key center
- There are no listening exercise with Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Reading. This course contains a whole new way to sing and hear chords within a key center
- There are suggested additional studies that have you sing through contemporary tunes, turnarounds and common chord progressions found in all contemporary music
- You shouldn’t stop working with Fanatic’s Guide it has many great exercises but by adding a few exercises from The “Hearing Chord Progressions you can see the bigger picture of how all the exercises you are doing with Bruce Arnold’s Ear Training System fit together.
- Am I Biting off to much to add this course to my ear training practice regimen?
- Of course you could spend all day practicing the exercises found in this course but I recommend that you use this course to add 10 to 15 minutes of additional practice to your regimen. Below are some further information
- Hearing Chord Progressions is really teaching you how all the ear training products in the Bruce Arnold System fits into hearing harmony. It gives you the bigger picture and will work hand in hand with the other ear training you are doing with Bruce’s system.
- Although the Hearing Chord Progressions has years worth of exercises I would recommend spending just 10 minutes on the new listening/singing exercise and 10 minutes playing through the études over the MetroDrone®. This will help all your other ear training exercises and help you of course see the bigger picture.
- What will this course do for me?
- Give you an understanding about the overall goal you are trying to reach with ear training.
- Improve your technical skills on your instrument
- Give you cool new licks that you could use when you improvise.
- Give you an understanding on how to combine seventh chords in various cycles that can be superimposed over chords(s)
- Through the use of the Tuba MetroDrone® you will improve your key retention something you will REALLY need when you move into “Key Note Recognition” or “Two Note Ear Training.”
- Give you a black belt in sight reading arpeggiated melodies and ledger lines.
- Show you all the chord progressions possible with a Major Scale which will help you with recognizing these progressions but also give you ideas for composition.
- Show you turnarounds that you can use at the end of any tune. This are REALLY useful for the Blues player.
- For bass and guitar players you get the additional PDF that shows you a unique way to think about fingering arpeggios.
- There is a supplemental Music Theory file to help you if you need some additional work with understanding basic theory.
- Additional Information:
- Digital Edition IBSN: 978-1-59489-634-7
- 1034 pages of Études through all harmonic cycles.
- Addendum PDFs for further study.
- MP3’s and Midi files for all exercises.
- What people are saying:
- In my opinion this is a revolutionary course. The new ear training MP3s have totally changed the way I hear chord progressions in just a few days. I know I have a long way to go to master this stuff but I’m finally on my way! D. Anderson
- I don’t know how long it took to put this course together; it’s a behemoth! Hats off to Muse Eek for creating such a cutting edge course! E. Ryder
- I been working on various parts of this course with Mr. Arnold through Skype lessons so I kind of knew what to expect but I have to say , this is huge not just in size, but in value. I’m seeing results already. H. Thomson.
- I’ve been searching for years to 1. understand chord progressions and 2. how to hear chord progressions better. Thanks Bruce, this is just great! D. Washington.
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