Go Tell Aunt Rhody Lyrics from Ear Training for Children

Aunt Rhody Lyrics

Ear Training For Children and Others Young at Heart Go Tell Aunt Rhody, Aunt Rhody Lyrics

Aunt Rhody Lyrics

Go Tell Aunt Rhody Lyrics

From the course “Ear Training for Children and Others Young at Heart: Aunt Rhody”

This page gives you the Go Tell Aunt Rhody Lyrics which is used for Ear Training for Children and Others Young at Heart music course from Muse Eek Publishing.


Go tell Aunt Rhody

Go tell Aunt Rhody

Go tell Aunt Rhody

The old gray goose is dead.


The one she’s been saving (x 3)

To make her feather bed


She died in the mill pond (x 3)

Standing on her head


She left nine little goslings (x 3)

To scratch for their own bread


The goslings are crying (x 3)

Because their mother’s dead


The gander is weeping (x 3)

Because his wife is dead

The Ear Training for Children and Others Young at Heart: Aunt Rhody Course

To my knowledge this course uses a one of a kind approach to ear training. The idea is to learn through real music using familiar songs that you learn by rote rather than by reading from a music staff. Not only are the songs sung but they are sung in many ways which help you develop pitch recognition skills and singing ability. Each course in this series concentrates on one traditional melody. There are audio files that help to learn the song, but also to recognize which notes are contained in the song, through targeted exercises.

I started out with this to get kids off to a great start, because the earlier you get the, the easier it is for them to absorb information but it can also be used by anybody who needs help with ear training. Everyone learns in a different way so I believe the more ways I can create to solve the same problem, the more chances anyone has to develop their aural recognition skills.

This course contains 57 audio files which is over 4 hours and 45 minutes of different ways to improve your singing and aural comprehension skills. There is no particular order that needs to be followed but reading through the book will help you decide which audio files to start with, based on the information presented. That said, I think the first thing to do is learn the melody and the words which many people already know. Your child will most likely pick up the words quickly and each track is 5 minutes long so they have plenty of time to hear it over and over again.

Finally it is important for you or your child to keep a positive attitude towards learning music. Certainly don’t criticize yourself or your child. Positive reinforcement is always best, and remember you are not born with musical ability you develop it from childhood. So if you are starting late, try to approach it like a child would, by having no preconceptions.

I have purposely not included the melody for “Aunt Rhody” written out on a music staff. The whole idea behind this course is to learn with your ear not your eye. So often students especially those studying classical music rely on the written page, rather than their ear to play music. This course forces a student to use only their ear.

To learn more about Bruce Arnold and Muse Eek Publishing’s educational products it is recommended that you read Bruce Arnold’s Blog at his artist site. It contains more discussion of the musical topics as well as other subjects of interest. You will also find the “Music Education Genealogy Chart” located here which shows you the historic significance of the music education products found on the Muse Eek Publishing Company Website.

Go Tell Aunt Rhody Lyrics