Four Note Ear Training Series
Four Note Ear Training Series develops your ability to modulate and hear Four notes played simultaneous.
Ear Training Four Note Simultaneous:
Ear Training Four Note Simultaneous is consistent with the exercises found it the Two Note Ear Training Series but with Four notes. Four Note Ear Training is done in the exact same way as Two and Three Note Ear Training so no book is included. In some ways it’s easier because Four notes define a key center easier than two notes. Five Volumes available.
Recommended prerequisite:
- Ear Training One Note Advanced
- Key Note Recognition
- Ear Training Two Note Advanced
- Ear Training Three Note Simultaneous
Ear Training Four Note Simultaneous.
Five Volume of Downloads Available in MP3 format:
Ear Training Four Note Simultaneous…Volume One
Get Ear Training Four Note Simultaneous…Volume One download today!
MSK 184
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Ear Training Four Note Simultaneous… Volume Two.
Get Ear Training Four Note Simultaneous…Volume Two download today!
MSK 185
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Ear Training Four Note Simultaneous… Volume Three.
Get Ear Training Four Note Simultaneous…Volume Three download today!
MSK 186
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Ear Training Four Note Simultaneous… Volume Four

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Ear Training Four Note Simultaneous… Volume Five.
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Get Ear Training Four Note Simultaneous…Volume Five download today!
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What people are saying:
Ah… Four Note ear training lovers I always wondered how many of you have actually made it this far. I sent an email to Bruce and he said “about 3% stick it out to Four Note Ear Training and you’d be surprised how many aren’t professional musicians but people who just want to really hear music in a fundamentally astounding way.” I found that quite interesting. Bruce also said that many professional musicians that actually get to Three Note Ear Training usually become so busy with their careers that ear training takes a back seat. I guess I’m just a slightly different type that wants to improve my ability to it’s utmost. That said I find many four note examples completely easy. Seventh chords and simple major diatonic scale combination are easy. The Four Note examples with all notes crunched into a minor 3rd are another story :) If you’ve made it this far congrats and keep on burning! E. Dubois
Nine years later I’m on Ear Training Four Note. I know I could have done it quicker but there’s a lot of life in those years that really took me away from my passions. Anyway my story is I studied with Mr. Arnold for about 6 months about nine years ago. I had absolutely horrible ears. Bruce said that was the main thing that was holding me back and I had to agree. My chops where good, time was excellent and as Bruce said “I could hear a barn door slam!” Well now I can hear that barn door slam and on a good day I can even tell you pitch it formed :)G. Romero
If you made it to Four Note Ear Training then I don’t see how any review would influence you one way or another. If you want great ears get on muse-eek.com ear training program it’s serious, takes dedication and it works. End of story. R. Janssens
Four Note ear training has been in my MP3 for a few years now. I get back to it as often as I can but being a professional musician and a composer takes up most of my time. I’d just like to say that through Bruce’s help I’ve developed skills way beyond most musicians I play with. I’ve been the musical director for national touring acts and owe a lot of my ability to hear and speak intelligently to musicians about music to muse-eek.com’s books and the support from Mr. Arnold. This is a great company with killer products don’t overlook them in your process of becoming a great musician J. González