Questions Regarding Fanatics Guide
Questions Regarding Fanatics Guide
Questions Regarding Fanatics Guide
Q: Thanks for your quick and helpful reply. I still have some questions. Well I’ve been working on the Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing for some time now off and on and think I prehear the notes now (I’ve only just started working on the two note examples and haven’t had too many problems so far). I’ll certainly get Direct Application because I haven’t bought that yet, i’ve just been desperately keen to get down 2 notes (and then obviously 3/4 notes plus which i believe will be much easier once 2 is accomplished) as soon as I can, because ultimately i want to be able to apply it to real situations, listen to songs and know straight away the chords and notes they contain and obviously play them on my guitar/piano.
Well I have been listening to the first volume (5ths) as you suggested (and just been trying to figure out the key ) and it seems very natural to me to modulate to the first note every time (or at least it seems like i am-on occasion though when I’m uncertain I don’t know that I’m not forcing myself to hear it like this because its easier and makes the most sense to me and seems reliable)…is this normal? e.g. D sharp A sharp..C sounds like 6th, F sharp C sharp C sounds like sharped 4th, A and E C sounds like sharped 2nd etc. I’m sorry I’m still a little confused because by always modulating to the first note the notes will always sound like the 1st and the 5th in whatever key i’m in right? for example with C and G the C doesnt modulate and just (sounds like Do) so the notes are obviously C and a fifth above G (sounding like sol) but then would that not be the same with the other note combinations i.e. E and B..the C sounds like Si (sharped 5th) so E is do and B is sol…I apologize if i’ve completely confused you, I can’t explain it very well…..cheers anyway (and Merry Christmas)
A: The modulations that you are getting are good. Most of the time you probably will hear the bottom note as the key center. Sometimes when the notes are higher you might not. But in general it all sounds good. If you are getting most of these modulations correct you should add in the next volume of the Two Note Ear Training . I am concerned that you are already into two note ear training and you are not working on the Direct Application material. You would usually start this when you are around 50% correct notes with the Ear Training One Note Complete and you are way past that. Remember you learn contextually so doing these “clinical” sort of exercises will get you going but you have to apply this stuff to real music and it will take a while to do. If you have an extra 10 to 20 minutes a day to work on two or three of these Direct Application exercises I would get started right away.
Check out the Direct Application exercises and add a few in each day so we can get this ear training working with real music. The Direct Application exercise are fun too so students usually enjoy them a lot.
Let me know if you have further questions regarding any of my books etc.
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