Moving on to the Key Recognition CD

Moving on to the Key Recognition CD

Moving on to the Key Recognition CD

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Moving on to the Key Recognition CD

Q: I’m working on my last week (Key of G) of the 6 note Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing exercise with the Big Metronome (3 times a day for 10 minutes). I’m now able to sing the exercises up and down at quarter note = 40 bpm. Of course pre-hearing notes at this speed is quite challenging for now. Please send me my next assignment. I’m getting more comfortable with the singing, but of course still have some weak notes at 40 bpm.

I’m also working on the Single String Studies for Guitar Volume One book (first page) 3 x a day for 5 minutes with the Big Metronome. I’m currently in the Key of Eb and I’m working up to quarter note = 40 bpm. I’m getting better at singing the exercise and now It’s taking me less time to learn the transposed notes when I change keys and I’m getting up to 40bpm in less time.

I’ve been getting at least 80% correct on the Ear Training One Note Complete – Advanced Ear Training CD for the past 3 weeks but still don’t feel I really know the notes well enough. I’ve been listening to the CD 4-5 times a day. Should I take more time to let the sound of the notes sink in, or should I move on to the Key Note Recognition CD? I’ve also been working on Right Hand Technique for Guitar Volume One (2 x 30′ per day, only elbow motion). I have a hard time playing the Sweep Picking exercises fluidly, and think I’ll need 2-4 weeks to improve on that before moving on. I do all the exercises with a metronome and feel absolutely no pain or tension. I’ve been increasing the speed at which I play the various exercises gradually.

A: Well my first concern is how quickly you can do the Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing and the Single String Studies for Guitar Volume One book. We need to raise up the speed at which you can pre-hear notes and sing the correct note. So what I would like you to do is go back to the 3 note exercise in the Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing and start transposing the first note of each exercise up an octave. You then want to sing each measure in all keys. Overall we just need to speed the process up before we move on.

I think we should stick with the Ear Training One Note Complete – Advanced Ear Training CD for awhile longer. It’s important that your accuracy improve some more before we move on. You’re close, so keep your nose to the grind stone – we are almost there.

With the Right Hand Technique for Guitar Volume One it’s important to move your elbow correctly to get across strings but remember that most of your technique will come from the forearm movement. I think you could start some of those exercises particularly the ones that are just playing one string.

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