Learning Single String Studies for Guitar
Learning Single String Studies for Guitar
Learning Single String Studies for Guitar
Q: I am working on your Single String Studies for Guitar Volume One Book. I am just about finished with studying the key of C on each string. I spent about a 15 min. per session for 7 days on each string. I review each string from time to time, especially ones that seemed more difficult like the D string.
By going slowly, and visualizing (in my imagination) the string being studied, I am getting pretty accurate but still make mistakes. Especially going up high on the string from down low. I guess the smaller size of the frets makes it harder and I never have used the frets above 15 on strings E – D before. What should I do next?
I am also doing LOTS of ear training in the single string study book. I have only three more keys to go on the first study. My only comment is very challenging at 100 bpm!!!
A: So next you will go back and read all the strings but this time in the key of F. You just continue this through all keys. After that you do the All String Exercises.
For singing, once you feel comfortable with the first page using a C chord vamp I want you to make an F chord vamp and sing the 1st page again. So now you will have a #4. Once you finish that, you need to go through all of the keys, so next would be Bb which will give you a #1 and a #4. As you can see it will get more and more difficult as you get into keys which contain very few notes that are in C major.
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