Guidance Through lots of Information
Guidance Through lots of Information
Guidance Through lots of Information
Q: I have obtained the following books:
- Guitar Technique
- Music Theory Workbook for Guitar Volumes Two
- Ear Training One Note Complete
- Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing
- Rhythm Primer
- Rhythms Volume One
- String Theory
- Chord Workbook for Guitar Volume One
- Rhythm Primer: started working assignments on page xxi
These are not difficult for me, but the faster tempos (whole note = much above 60) seem excessive in that by that point I think I have gotten what I need out of the exercise from a reading standpoint.Ear Training One Note Complete: I read through the book and understand what you are saying. I was on the road in the car a lot this week with the first CD on random play. What a blast! I get more than 80% right overall, but have particular problems with b5, b7 and the highest register for some unknown reason. I’m working on it.Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing: I can sing 1, 3 and 5 in all keys and am working on the other diatonic tones.Let me also say that I am deeply impressed by your scholarship and dedication. I have been teaching and studying for years and have never seen such a comprehensive and well-thought-out method.
I could use some guidance through this vast forest of material. What next?
A: The reason for the faster tempos in Rhythm Primer, is to get your eye moving quickly across measures of music. Don’t underestimate the importance of this. You should also check out the help files in the member’s area.As far as the other books first check out the Guitar Clinic and the Help Files for Direct Application in the member’s area. As mentioned before I want you get all 19 scales listed on the New York Guitar Method Volume One down in all keys from every degree. Remember we are just doing an introduction to all these scales they don’t have to be fast but they need to be consistent and Gb major should be as strong as C major. We are working towards using the 19 modes as a warm up everyday. So you might for instance run through all 19 modes in one key from every degree for a warm up. This will take time to reach that point but sooner or later you should be able to do this in 20 to 30 minutes. But for now you want to make sure you know all of these scales by playing all of them in every key. You can also use flash cards to test yourself.Make the following flash cards:1 set with list of all 19 scales 1 set with degress 1-7 1 set with all keys.Flip over one card from each set and play the scale. Along with these technical ways of working on the scales complete the exercises in Music Theory for Guitar Volume Two and play along with the vamps that are suggested for each scale type. Remember there are midifiles of these progressions on line at members area.For sight reading you want to do this for 1 hour a day. Do 10 minutes out of each of the following books:
Rhythm Primer: try to do these as fast as possible
Rhythms Volume One: metronome on 2 and 4 read with a swing feel if you tap your foot do it on 1 or 1 and 3.
String Theory: One page a day move through the book by string. So first low E string in C major then A string in C major, D string in C major etc. Chord Workbook for Guitar Volume One : Learn one new chord progression a week. You can also find examples of me playing these progressions at: members area.
Augment this time with reading out of books check out of the library or other sources. Remember to read as many types of music and manuscripts as you can find.
Ear training continue as you have described, seems like your on the right track.
If you have more questions or need more guidance with anything let me know. I would like to move on past scales in a few months so try to get all the scales together.
It is also recommended that you read Bruce Arnold’s Blog at his artist site. It contains more discussion of the musical topics found in these FAQs as well as other subjects of interest. You will also find the “Music Education Genealogy Chart” located here which shows you the historic significance of the music education products found on the Muse Eek Publishing Company Website.