Fanatics Guide Necessary when Training Ones Ear

Fanatics Guide Necessary when Training Ones Ear

Fanatics Guide Necessary when Training Ones Ear

Muse-Eek-Publishing_Company_Frequently-Asked_Questions about Ear Training, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Rhythm, Time, Sight Reading, Technique, Scales, Harmony, Reharmonization, Practicing, Music, Music Practice Schedule, Ear Training 2 Note Melodic Piano Muse Eek Publishing Company, Fanatics Guide Necessary when Training Ones Ear

Fanatics Guide Necessary when Training Ones Ear

Q: I have a couple of questions about ear training. I am a man in my thirties and I have started to play keyboards and some guitar. I already can play melodies by ear, but I have difficulties in chord hearing on music (I do know how to read notes so this is not a bad problem). I already have bought Ear Training One Note Complete, I am just waiting for the mail to deliver it.  So here are my questions: (I don’t want to sing). Is Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing necessary when training ear? Is it possible to get just Key Note Recognition and one of the Ear Training Note Two books? I have a computer with midi so I can do more training CDs myself when I know how to do it.

A: It is possible to do the ear training without the Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing . I think you will be making the process much harder for yourself and you won’t improve as quickly. I also think it will effect how soon you can transfer the exercises into real music application. You would definitely want to get Key Note Recognition and at least one Two Note Ear Training book so that you understand the concepts presented in those books. I would also recommend you check out in a few weeks, they will have all these titles available so that might save you some shipping costs. Just one final note. I think your statement that – I don’t want to sing – is not looking out for your own best interest in improving your musicianship.

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