Earbuds Versus Speakers Affecting Ear Training
Earbuds Versus Speakers Affecting Ear Training
Earbuds Versus Speakers Affecting Ear Training
Q: Doing these exercises Direct Application CD Volume One Dorian with headphones, there are some exercises like Db where I always fall flat for a halftone. I hear 1 but it’s b2. This with all the tones in that exercise. When I take of the earphones I hear it right. This drives me nuts. Can you explain?
A: Could be the earphones, Especially if they are earbuds can actually bend the inside of your ear just enough to start hearing things wrong. I noticed this many years ago if I had my hand kind of pushing up from the bottom of my ear as I sat and listened it lightly changed the pitch I was hearing. So probably time to look for new earbuds or headphones.
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