Ear Training Impact on Live Pitch Singing
Ear Training Impact on Live Pitch Singing
Ear Training Impact on Live Pitch Singing
Q: I have just purchased the Fanatic’s Guide to ear training and sight singing. I am excited to learn the material, most of the examples in the introduction referred to musicians playing in a session with a band. I am a singer, and was having some problems with pitch during my live performances. I was wondering if developing the skills detailed in the book will help my overall pitch singing live? Thanks so much!
A: Thanks for contacting me. The answer is yes it will help your pitch because you will learn what each note sounds like the key center. Which will help you stay in tune because you know what the note should sound like. Through the use of Fanatic’s Guide to Ear Training and Sight Singing and Ear Training One Note Complete you will be able to hear what others are playing and interact with other musicians or singers in a faster more accurate way. Main thing here is to keep in contact with me. Tell me exactly how your are doing each exercise in great detail. Tell me what you are thinking when you do the exercises. And most importantly stay in contact frequently until we can make sure you are doing things correctly. I also need to know if you spend much time commuting or in situations where you can listen to an MP3 player away from home. If you do have that time then we should also consider Contextual Ear Training as another tool to help you. So give me some feedback on how you are doing the method and other free time you have during the day so we can get you going in the right direction and take the most advantage of any free time you have during the day to help you improve your musical skills. One last point with all of the www.muse-eek.com ear training products always get downloads not hard cover books. If you don’t have an Ipod get one with a screen and good amount of memory. This change in your ability isn’t going to happen overnight it’s going to be a process that will take time because we are totally reprogramming the way you hear music. Using an MP3 player and MP3 from downloads lets us take advantage of shuffle play and making various playlists to help you focus in on your problems. I’m certain Ear training impact on your singing will only be positive.
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