Slash Chord Ear Training Practice Strategy
Slash Chord Ear Training Practice Strategy Part 1
Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training Volume Three is a course that will kick most everyone’s behind. Hearing this type of slash chord harmony is not easy and takes multiple listens just to get the key center firmly established. One approach that I recommend is just to get the course while it’s on sale, pick a track and listen to the version with the drone once or twice a day. Each track is about 4 minutes long. Listen to two tracks; pick a singing and a listening track with drone and play it twice a day. You can listen passively and not even do the exercise, just get used to the sound. You could even hum along with the root of the key center; that helps too.
Slash Chord Ear Training Practice Ideas
I have found that most students haven’t developed their Key Retention to a level that allows them to hear this kind of harmony all in one key center. You need a slash chord ET practice strategy because your ability is not going to magically get better unless you take the bull by the horns, and start listening to music that uses this advanced harmony. So think of your first month with this course as just a four to eight minute assignment that you do each day. Listen while you are in the car, or commuting. But please listen, because this is the kind of playing you will definitely encounter with advanced musicians so it’s important that you can hold your own.
Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Series
Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training Volume Three is the final book in the Slash Chord Series covering the three main uses of tertially based Slash Chords. If you are new to this course please listen to some of the examples on the webpage. As I have mentioned before, slash chords are integral to the sound of contemporary jazz. Volume Three in the series covers re-harmonization of a 12 bar blues progression using chord types plus available tensions with the addition of avoid notes. This 3rd level is what you commonly hear if a jazz musician is re-harmonizing a chord progression with tertial slash chords. Having a slash chord ear training practice strategy when approaching these three courses will help you improve your ability with the least amount of frustration.
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