Slash Chord Ear Training Practice Strategy
Slash Chord Ear Training Practice Strategy
Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training Volume Three is, to be blunt, a difficult course. But as my teacher Charlie Banacos used to tell me,”Do the hard stuff first, then everything will seem easy.” In the case of Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training Volume Three here are a few more ideas for practicing this course both passively and actively.
Slash Chord Ear Training Practice Strategy Recommendations
If you find you can’t hear the key center on one or more of the Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training Volume Three tracks, I recommend the following approach that could be used with any music with which you are experiencing the same issue.
- As the music plays try to sing the root throughout the track.
- If you can master singing the root try singing other notes.
- If the song is all in one key like the tracks in this course, you could try singing various melodies based on the modes of each chord. In the case of the Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training Volume Three the modes are included in the course.
- You can use your instrument to play various notes or melodies based on the modes of each chord to help ingrain the sound of the key center. Usually very simple melodies are the best.
- Play a MetroDrone on another device. (Although there is a track with a drone included in the course.) Having a pitch played from another source can sometimes help a lot. You can also try playing the root in different octaves. Many students hear higher notes in a key center better than low notes.
- Singing the notes of each chord or creating guide tone melodies can also help to establish a key center. Guide tones should be again based on the mode for each chord. If you are new to guide tones see the Guide Tones Course.
Slash Chord Ear Training Practice Strategy Conclusion
Practice Perfect Applied Slash Chord Ear Training Volume Three is the final book in the Slash Chord Series covering the three main uses of tertially based Slash Chords. You can hear examples for the course on this webpage. The type of playing used in these examples is common to contemporary guitarists and pianists, so it is important to at least master key retention for these tracks in order to understand and improvise within those situations.
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