Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Ear Training V1 using 12 Bar Blues Ear Training in Real Time.
Applied Jazz Ear Training V1
Applied Jazz Ear Training V1 works with a typical 12 bar blues song form to help you apply contextual ear training skills to real music. The 12 bar blues is one of the most commonly found forms of music so it is an excellent choice for applying your key based ear training. There are 12 different reharmonizations of a Blues found in this course. These will vary from the most simple forms to highly complex re-harmonizations. It is recommended that you listen the examples on this page to see if this course is appropriate for your currently level.
Applied Jazz Ear Training
There are 3 different courses available in the Applied Jazz Ear Training Series. These 3 courses cover the Blues, Minor Blues and Rhythm Changes. By working with these 3 song forms you will can the ability to use your contextual based ear training skills with these common song forms. You can purchase individual courses or a bundle of all 3 courses in this series.
Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Ear Training Volume One Today!
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What is Practice Perfect?
The Practice Perfect Applied Ear Training Jazz Series of books provides multiple ways for a musician to hone their ear training skills through exercises that teach by using real time application within a music environment. That is, these listening and singing exercises place a musician in a real live music situation simulating the contexts most associated with performance.
If you are new to the Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Ear Training Series of books. We recommend you first work with both the Ear Training One Note Complete and Contextual Ear Training Course. These will help you to hear notes within a key center which is the entire approach to our ear training courses.
The Applied Jazz Ear Training Series includes the following kinds of exercises:
- Examples of common chord progressions found in the jazz lexicon with Piano, Bass and Drums. Both interpreted and semi-strict interpretations are included.
- Exercises where you only hear the bass playing the chord changes while you are prompted to sing notes within the key center.
- Just the piano playing the changes, with a drone of the root of the key center while also being prompted to sing notes within the key center.
Depending on your current ability and affinity to more complicated harmonic environments different approaches may be needed to work through this course.
Additional Materials found in the Applied Jazz Ear Training Course
This course contains the exercises above as well as:
- A video for each chord progression showing each measure as it goes by.
- Guitar plays progressions at 3 different tempos.
Examples of the Audio Tracks Found on Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Ear Training Volume One
Keep in mind that for each exercise there are either a Soprano, Alto and Tenor voice used sing the answer. There are 144 exercises found in this course. They use 12 re-harmonizations of a Major Blues Chord Progression. There are various examples of all three of these below:
Excerpts from Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Ear Training Volume One Key of C
Progression plays one chorus to establish key center then exercise begins. Four different types of files presented below. All exercises use different re-harmonizations of a 12 Bar Blues. So it’s a perfect course for 12 Bar Blues Ear Training
- Example One Soprano Straight Progression
- Example Two Alto Straight Progression
- Example Three Tenor Straight Progression
- Example Four Soprano Jazz Version
- Example Five Alto Jazz Version
- Example Six Tenor Jazz Version[
- Example Seven Soprano Bass and Drums
- Example Eight Alto Bass and Drums
- Example Nine Tenor Bass and Drums
- Example Ten Soprano, Piano, Drums and Drone
- Example Eleven Alto, Piano, Drums and Drone
- Example Twelve Tenor, Piano, Drums and Drone
Excerpts from Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Ear Training Volume One Key of D
This second set of examples in in the key of D. Remember there are 12 keys covered in this course. Again the progression plays one chorus to establish key center then exercise begins. Four different types of files presented below. All exercises use different reharms of a 12 Bar Blues. So it’s a perfect course for 12 Bar Blues Ear Training
- Example One Soprano Straight Progression
- Example Two Alto Straight Progression
- Example Three Tenor Straight Progression
- Example Four Soprano Jazz Version
- Example Five Alto Jazz Version
- Example Six Tenor Jazz Version
- Example Seven Soprano Bass and Drums
- Example Eight Alto Bass and Drums
- Example Nine Tenor Bass and Drums
- Example Ten Soprano, Piano, Drums and Drone
- Example Eleven Alto, Piano, Drums and Drone
- Example Twelve Tenor, Piano, Drums and Drone
Practice Perfect Applied Ear Training Volume Ten Today!
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Get the Bundle of all 3 Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Applied Jazz Ear Training Courses from one low price!
Status: In stock, Digital book is available for immediate access.
Additional Information:
- Digital Edition 978-1-59489-305-6
- 4 page PDF giving ideas and suggestions for practice.
- 144 MP3s
- 12 Videos
- 12 Chord Progressions played by solo guitar at 3 different tempos for a total of 36 MP3s.
- 12 Chord Progressions played by solo guitar at 3 different tempos for a total of 36 MP3s.
- Associated courses: Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Applied Jazz Ear Training V2 & Practice Perfect Applied Jazz Applied Jazz Ear Training V3
What people are saying:
I’ve been waiting for this jazz ear training using contextual ear training method for a long time. I have found that just working with the Ear Training One Note Complete helped me immensely to understand how to hear music but I could readily apply it to real music. These new Applied Jazz Ear Training courses are already making a difference after just a few short day of practice. Highly Recommend! E. Teague
This is a great course it starts out easy and then hits you over the head :) I was stuck on the Bb Major Blues for awhile but the Piano and Drone exercises really helped me to solidify the key center. You guys seem to have thought of all the troubles a student will run into as you put out the course. Kudos! A. Berlin
I’ve been working with Muse Eek’s ear training for many years now. If you haven’t checked it out I highly recommend you do. You won’t be disappointed. Between the well written books, music examples and Mr. Arnold’s lightning quick response to my questions I’ve advanced beyond my wildest dreams. This new Applied Jazz Ear Training is really something I need because I don’t have a solid background in jazz and this will help me grow my “Harmonic Palette” as Mr. Arnold calls it. . . Y. Evans
OK I’ve been playing jazz for about 10 years and some of these progressions are really kick’n my behind. I’m glad they included so many help files because the D and G chord progressions are beautiful but very hard to hear. Mr. Arnold assures me that if I just stick with in for a few weeks that I’ll hear it. I’ll keep my ear to the grind stone because his advice seems to be always on target. = J. Henry